Reporting to the reception center


Active member
Hi .
Just logging in.

After reading the Rules I'm Using Guntruck40 as a handle because that was actually My "ride" in Iraq. GT40, a POS asv with a bad wiring harness, but she had a MK19, a 50 cal MA2 and a top loaded SAW so it was a love hate reltionship.:-D

Just saying hi.

BTW if any moderators want proof of my Bonafides I can E-mail my 214 to ya, ( Got all my records scanned and saved and burned and geeksticked at work, we got some COOL tech geeks there)

I can also Expressmail you my DVD "Slide show" ( my wife is screaming at you over my shoulder...DON'T DO IT! It's 2 1/2 hours long!!!!) :wink:

Well she's only seen it one or two....THOUSAND times.