Reading lists for US military academies


New Member
Does anyone know where I can find a list or something on the books (fiction and/or historical, preferably) that are required for reading at West Point, Annapolis, etc.? I'm trying to draw an analogy between intellectual education in modern military training to that depicted in Plato's "Republic."
I know "Starship Troopers" is one.
Seriously? That's insane, cuz Starship Troopers is not only fiction, but science fiction.

What else is on the list? Sun Tsu - The Art of War, Clausewitz - On War, that kind of stuff?
Seriously? That's insane, cuz Starship Troopers is not only fiction, but science fiction.
Yes, but its also very political and insightful(damit get me a spellchecker redleg).

The movie is just a simply extremly dumbed down version of the book. Thats a lie its not dumbed down it had its heart and soul extracted.

Read the book, the libs love it. /mega sarcasm
Dont have the time right now :( Could you briefly summarize what it says that's interesting for a military academy?

All I remember from the movie that could make "liberals" hate it was that it was set in an undemocratic society (I remember them talking about the failure of democracy or something).
You know what Mohmar, I read in this book somewhere that the author said we could one day cheaply and efficently fly around the world in "airplanes" and that we would one day set foot on the moon. Science fiction, pffff.
Rabs said:
Yes, but its also very political and insightful(damit get me a spellchecker redleg).
You already have a spellchecker. It's that button in the upper right hand corner "ABC" with a check mark under it.
Also called remembering how to spel and not relying on a machine!

brilliant list PJ, thanks
Locke said:
Also called remembering how to spel and not relying on a machine!
*cough, cough*

I didn't look for the other service academies, but the US Naval Academy doesn't publicly publish a midshipmen's summer reading list or anything like that. The closest you'll get are:
- links to other reading lists: (look for "Reading Lists" near the bottom)
- the midshipmen's recreational reading list:
- general recommended reading:

Also, welcome aboard!
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