Quotes: Who said it and where?

correct for 350 mil bucks

"No history now extant can furnish an inastance of an army's suffering such uncommon hardships as ours has done and bearing with them the same patience and fortitude. To see men without cloths to cover their nakidness, without blankets to lie on, without shoes (for the want of which their marches might be traced by the book from their feet)...and submitting without a murmur, if a proof of patience and obedience which in my opinion can scarce be paralleled."

150 mil bucks for who said it
150 mil bucks for where he said it
Thanks, Doody, Uncle Joe is about the last Soviet I'd have picked to say that so I owe it all to your clue. Really amazing how duplicitous he actually was.

Okay my guesses for the latest one are:

Napolean Bonaparte at Borodino
Charge_7 said:
Thanks, Doody, Uncle Joe is about the last Soviet I'd have picked to say that so I owe it all to your clue. Really amazing how duplicitous he actually was.

Okay my guesses for the latest one are:

Napolean Bonaparte at Borodino

I know!! I had to read the quote 2 times to make sure of its content. He said it back in 1934

A very good guess but no, Napolean did not say that line nor was it said at Borodino.
your feelings betray you...jk correct for 300 mil bucks

We will accept only a world consecrated to freedom of speech and expression -freedom of every person to worship God in his own way -freedom from want -and freedom from terror."

250 mil bucks for who said it. For each guess, I will give a hint ;)
correct, I will not post any more FDR quotes.

"Colonel, why do you not get your brigade together, keep it together and move on?"

"It's impossible, General; I can't do it."

"Don't say it's impossible. Turn your command over to the next officer. If he can't do it, I'll find someone who can, if I have to take him from the ranks."

"Soon a different state of things showed the effect of the indomitable will of this man."

300 mil bucks for who is the General
Am I making these too easy??? 300 mil bucks for you

"No army can be efficient unless it be a unit for action; and the powers must come from above, not below...No matter how troops come together, when once united, the highest officer in rank is held responsible."

Who be the General for 300 mil bucks
correct for 150

"There is always one more thing you can do to influence any situation in your favor- after that, one more thing- after that, one more- ect. ect."

who is it for 300 mil bucks
correct for 300 milbucks

"With a heart full of love and gratitude I now take leave of you. I most devotely with that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable."

150 for who said it and where