Question about military boot camp


New Member
What kind of shots do they give you in boot camp whether it be the Marines or the Navy? Are there certain vaccines that are mandatory?
Can any of the vaccines be harmful? If you cannot take certain shots for religous purpose will you still be allowed in?
Yup. Because there are other guys who don't have religious reasons not to take the shots and they'll gladly take your place.
Yep. All truth here. They present the needle, you present whatever body part they plan to stick said needle in.

Just out of curiosity, what vaccine does your religion potentially prohibit? I've heard of guys not wanting to take the smallpox vaccine due to rumors of it giving people cancer or whatever, but nobody ever had any religious objections.
Family friend is into that New Age spiritualist movement and had never allowed her kids to take any shots, get braces or anything like that.