Presidential IQ ... an interesting site .....

Chief Bones

Forums Grumpy Old Man
One of the forum members (a 16 year old), from our local Newspaper forum, found the following interesting site.

Before you visit the site, I will admit that the people that created this site have an agenda that I don't really understand ... unless it is to lampoon President GW Bush.

Irregardless, these lampoons raise some very real concerns due to the way that the articles are written. Pay particular attention to the GW Bush resume'.

Please view this with a healthy scepticism ... but don't think I posted it to just bash Bush. View it as though you are seeing for the first time, how some Democrats and non-aligned people really view GW Bush ... President of the United States.

If nothing else, it is good for a few belly laughs. However ... an open mind, will see a few little 'gems' that raise real questions.

The Presidential IQ Report ...

and ... Résumé - George W Bush
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already disproved by snopes.

Awwwwww c'mon. It is still a fun site to play around with ... it has a monkey barrel full of belly laughs ... and ... as I said, even though it is probably one of the most slanted sites I have ever seen, there are still
"a few little 'gems' that raise real questions".

By the way - knew about snopes ....... pulled the same thing on our local forum and sat back to see what happened ....... was it ever a blast.
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One of the forum members (a 16 year old), from our local Newspaper forum, found the following interesting site.

Before you visit the site, I will admit that the people that created this site have an agenda that I don't really understand ... unless it is to lampoon President GW Bush.

Irregardless, these lampoons raise some very real concerns due to the way that the articles are written. Pay particular attention to the GW Bush resume'.

Please view this with a healthy scepticism ... but don't think I posted it to just bash Bush. View it as though you are seeing for the first time, how some Democrats and non-aligned people really view GW Bush ... President of the United States.

If nothing else, it is good for a few belly laughs. However ... an open mind, will see a few little 'gems' that raise real questions.

The Presidential IQ Report ...

and ... Résumé - George W Bush

Sorry Chief,

Saying this is not Bush Bashing or presidential bashing or political party bashing or any other form of bashing does not disqualify the actual perception of the post. That is like saying: "I don't mean to insult you but you are a moron" or "No disrespect intended sir, however, you sound like an idiot when you ask those kind of questions."

Sorry, that just don't fly in my book. Of course my book is filled with self contradictions so take it for what it's worth.

On to the other matter, yes I know you said take it with a healthy dose of skepticism and all that. I wanted to clear the air about IQ tests in general.

Here are a few links for your perusal. I am sure you all can come up with more if you look. I ran out of time this morning to look. As you can see there are different types of intelligence and the variety of tests are almost endless.
Concerning the Resume...

It might be presidential bashing, but most of the arguements are a matter of public record. I only noticed one error and that was his grade point average, (Bush was a high C+ student, not a low C, he couldn't have graduated on a low C grade average). The rest is fairly accurate, I'm sorry if the truth is painful to some of you. I have no problem bashing anybody as long as their is verifiable evidence to support it.

As for the IQ test.

I dont trust IQ tests, they are generally a poor way to measure intelligence. There are many ways the data can be tainted and made inaccurate.

I have said this before, Bush isnt stupid because he was born with a lack of intelligence, he's stupid because he choose to be stupid, which is worse in my opinion. Bush's problem is that he has a hatred of anything intellictual, he has always favored ideology over intellect, which is why he allies himself without groups such as the Neocons and the far Christian Rightwing. In other words, he's not a leader but a blind follower, someone who can be molded into whatever his handlers want and who is not interested in asking questions or formulating his own ideas.

Thats precisely why he was nominated in 2000. The Far Right GOP didnt want a smart guy on the ticket, if they did they would have nomintated McCain. They wanted a tool.
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Concerning the Resume...

It might be presidential bashing, but most of the arguements are a matter of public record. I'm sorry if the truth is painful to some of you.
Sorry mmarsh but this definitely is bashing and the truth might hurt but this is not the truth. To quote Snopes
Origins: No, this isn't a real news report, nor does it describe a real study. There isn't a "Lovenstein Institute" in Scranton, Pennsylvania (or anywhere else in the USA), nor do any of the people quoted in the story exist, because this is just another spoof that was taken too seriously.

I was referring to facts listed on the resume, not the "IQ test". Scopes seems to concentrate solely on the IQ test. I'll agree the IQ test looks bias, but most of whats on the Resume is a matter of public record. I'd be happy to provide verifyable sources to most of the facts. (There are a few I would have to double-check).
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I was referring to facts listed on the resume, not the "IQ test". Scopes seems to concentrate solely on the IQ test. I'll agree the IQ test looks bias, but most of whats on the Resume is a matter of public record. I'd be happy to provide verifyable sources to most of the facts. (There are a few I would have to double-check).
Well, in that case, this is also from Snopes. It seems at best, that "truth" is debatable. The test doesn't just look biased, it certainly is. Now I'm not trying to defend the President's IQ level, I'm just making sure that if folks have an opinion that it be stated as such and not as fact unless you can indeed provide verifiable sources. Anyone is welcome to post an opinion just do it as an opinion.

Origins: The George W. Bush "résumé," one of the most forwarded items of 2003, is a mixed bag of entries of varying degrees of truthfulness, many of them quite complex and/or subjective in nature. We haven't had the time to properly delve into the multiplicity of claims contained in it yet.

However, because so many of our readers have asked us about this e-mail, we list here a couple of links to other sources which attempt to document (or refute) the items listed in the "résumé." (Please note we have in no way vetted the analysis or conclusions offered therein; we offer these links solely on a "let the reader beware" basis.)
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Awwwwww c'mon. It is still a fun site to play around with ... it has a monkey barrel full of belly laughs ... and ... as I said, even though it is probably one of the most slanted sites I have ever seen, there are still
"a few little 'gems' that raise real questions".

By the way - knew about snopes ....... pulled the same thing on our local forum and sat back to see what happened ....... was it ever a blast.

Pulled this to the top of the thread ....... note my "Edit" ... first shot to respond since deerslayer ruined my fun. I already knew about snopes when I originally posted the Presidential IQ post.I also found the snopes entry immediately after it was posted on our local forum. By the way, didn't post to bash Bush ... posted to have some fun with our pro-Bushite supporter members.

Interesting to see some of our member's reactions to the site even though it was disclosed very quickly that the site was an "Urban Legend", and was actually created to 'jape' the president.
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Bravo Sierra by some mentally ill people who suffer from Bush derangement syndrome too
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I guess I'm guilty of trolling and I wasn't fishing .....

Its called trolling.

I guess I am guilty ... and all I had for bait was an old (2001), jape.