Poll Numbers - Bush hits all-time low


U of B and B Alumnus
Link http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18505030/site/newsweek/

The Elephant in the Room
George W. Bush has the lowest presidential approval rating in a generation, and the leading Dems beat every major ’08 Republican. Coincidence?

By Marcus Mabry
Updated: 2 hours, 50 minutes ago
May 5, 2007 - It’s hard to say which is worse news for Republicans: that George W. Bush now has the worst approval rating of an American president in a generation, or that he seems to be dragging every ’08 Republican presidential candidate down with him. But According to the new NEWSWEEK Poll, the public’s approval of Bush has sunk to 28 percent, an all-time low for this president in our poll, and a point lower than Gallup recorded for his father at Bush Sr.’s nadir. The last president to be this unpopular was Jimmy Carter who also scored a 28 percent approval in 1979. This remarkably low rating seems to be casting a dark shadow over the GOP’s chances for victory in ’08. The NEWSWEEK Poll finds each of the leading Democratic contenders beating the Republican frontrunners in head-to-head matchups.

Perhaps that explains why Republican candidates, participating in their first major debate this week, mentioned Bush’s name only once, but Ronald Reagan’s 19 times. (The debate was held at Reagan’s presidential library.)
When the NEWSWEEK Poll asked more than 1,000 adults on Wednesday and Thursday night (before and during the GOP debate) which president showed the greatest political courage—meaning being brave enough to make the right decisions for the country, even if it jeopardized his popularity —more respondents volunteered Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton (18 percent each) than any other president. Fourteen percent of adults named John F. Kennedy and 10 percent said Abraham Lincoln. Only four percent mentioned George W. Bush. (Then again, only five percent volunteered Franklin Roosevelt and only three percent said George Washington.)
A majority of Americans believe Bush is not politically courageous: 55 percent vs. 40 percent. And nearly two out of three Americans (62 percent) believe his recent actions in Iraq show he is “stubborn and unwilling to admit his mistakes,” compared to 30 percent who say Bush’s actions demonstrate that he is “willing to take political risks to do what’s right.”

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When the NEWSWEEK Poll asked more than 1,000 adults on Wednesday and Thursday night (before and during the GOP debate) which president showed the greatest political courage—meaning being brave enough to make the right decisions for the country, even if it jeopardized his popularity —more respondents volunteered Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton (18 percent each) than any other president. Fourteen percent of adults named John F. Kennedy and 10 percent said Abraham Lincoln. Only four percent mentioned George W. Bush. (Then again, only five percent volunteered Franklin Roosevelt and only three percent said George Washington.)

Perhaps it's time we quit polling high school drop outs. How the hell do Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy rank as being more "Politically courageous" than Abraham Lincoln and FDR? Abraham Lincoln pushed the Constitution to the limits (but did not violate) while waging war against the South and FDR kept pushing the US closer and closer to entering WWII while a vast majority of the US public were against involvement in the war. And how does George Bush rank higher than George Washington in anything other than a list of all the George's in the world, listed alphabetically?
Liar liar liar .....

In answer to your question ... it might just have something to do with the very real fact that Americans by a 3 to 1 margin, believe that GW Bush is a liar that involved our military in a war that was justified by the usage of half truths and out-and-out lies (5 years and still trying to sell the war).

Slick Willy's lies, were nothing more than the lies of an aldulterer who was trying to escape owning up to his sins ... (they did NOT cost the lives of over 3,000 of our military and over 20,000 Iraqi lives).

I am surprised that GW's numbers are still above 25% ... they should be at a 10% or lower level - GW Bush (in my opinion), is the worst president this nation has ever seen.

His stubborness and his intransigence are those of a spoiled child - his refusal to face the fact that a different approach to dealing with the middle east (specifically Iraq and Iran), has split America in two and has painted America in the worst possible image. This is NOT politics, it's a character fault.

His legacy, will be the lowered esteam and respect of the nations of the world for the United States ... and ... the first President of the United States to involve America in an unjustified war. I don't believe that history will deal kindly with him.

Feel free to disagree ... but ... I firmly believe that history will bear me out
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Slick Willy's lies, were nothing more than the lies of an aldulterer who was trying to escape owning up to his sins ... (they did NOT cost the lives of over 3,000 of our military and over 20,000 Iraqi lives).
If I truly believed this theory I could argue that "Slick Willy" did lead to some of those deaths because of his cutbacks to defense spending and that the Republicans were the great saviors by forcing Clinton to up the defense spending as part of the whole Lewinskigate (I just made that up, aren't I clever?) scandal, but like I said, IF I believed such theories.

As for worse President we've ever seen, don't know about that. Worst President of the 21st century without a doubt, but then again he is also the greatest President of the 21st century thus far.

More specifically to the topic, I don't think Bush's stances have been that courageous on Iraq, including the decision to go to war. Bush's approval rating following the invasion sky-rocketed to almost 80 percent, even the more liberal media outlets and the Democrats in Congress were calling for war, and said Democrats had the same information as Bush so if Bush was lying they were in on it. A majority of Americans believe Saddam had WMD's, even the Europeans believed he had them, but those same Europeans also didn't think war was the best option. Ultimately, Iraq is going to be lost in the same manner that Vietnam was lost, in our living rooms, not on the streets of Baghdad.

Just for the record, I never liked Bush, and in 2000 I felt Gore was a better candidate, looking back I now think both options sucked, just like 2004, but Bush is my President and as such I will continue to support him.