Polish memeber


Active member
Hallo everybody!

I'm polish and I'm sixteen. I'm interested in militaries and electronics. I'm starting learning in Technical School (Technician of electronic) in september. I'm going to become officer in Polish Army. My dream is service in radio location (radars etc.) First I must finish Technician School(4 years), next: Engineering College(5 years) and at the end I must finish Officer's Study(1 year). That's the way how to become Second Lieutenant in Polish Army in radio location troops.
Welcome. Thats a long school term. Electronics is changing so fast most of what you learn in the first 4 years will almost be obsolete when you go for your Engineering degree. :( You should be deep into nanotechnology by the time you go into the service. "Beam me up Scottie." :)
Welcome to the forums! You're from poland huh? My fiance is originally from Poland as well. Well he was born in Germany, but spent most of his life in Poland. He's from Warsaw. So I have a little in common with you!