POCS moral waiver


New Member
When I was 16 I was charged with POCS (possesion of controlled substance) and the drug found was 1 xanax (alprazolam). I was put on 6 months probation and came out clean on every UA. I have no previous record, and have since earned 52 college credit, volunteered ALOT, and kept a job which I work 40+ hours a week. I was wondering if it would be possible to get a moral waiver (I have talked to a recruiter but he was giving me a hard time about having a GED, even though I know I'm considered a tier I).
if you search through the threads. there are many dealing with situations similar to yours.

i would love to be able to offer further help but I'm a afraid, I'm not qualified to...

good luck

MEPS doesn't need to know everything. Go in there, keep your mouth shut and join the military. We all screwed up as a kid. As long as you have manned up your military service will be fine.