Please sign a petition for working out in public parks.


Active member
Hi Guys,
It seems that many parks in the united states don't allow adults to workout using the park equipment. There is a move now to start training bodyweight, using the simple equipment such as pull ups and monkey bars available in city parks. Most parks say that an adult must have a child with him to enter a park. In many cases park workers and cops harrass individuals who calmly enjoy their fitness in the park environment.
There is a petition make to the US government, please sigh it and support the cause for gym free training anywhere.
Thank you for your support.
Uh, I'm going to go ahead and say that playground equipment is for kids. Work out somewhere else.
there used to be alot of parks that had workout equipment in them, just for adults. I remember one especially that had a paved road to run, and every now and then there would be something to work out on. What happened to those???? They were great, we need more of that kinda stuff.
Not gonna sign it. The prohibition is to help keep predators away from kids. Find somewhere else to exercise, the beach, a trail, a gym, the road... the possibilities are endless and only limited by the imagination.