Please don't think badly of me


Active member
I've been sitting on this joke since I joined Milforum, debating with myself whether or not to share it. If anyone had ever told me I'd be telling a fart joke on a military forum, I would have said they were freakin' nuts. That said....

A guy stepped onto an elevator where it was just him and a distinguished-looking elderly Asian man. The car had just begun to climb when he broke wind. But instead of the usual sound, it rang out with a loud "HONDA!!!"

"I'm so sorry," the guy said to the older gentleman. "As you can tell, I've got a bit of a problem. I just don't know what to do about it."

The other man just smiled as he reached into his vest pocket. "I know exactly what you need," he said as he handed the guy his card. "You come see me tomorrow, and I will take care of it for you once and for all." After he was gone, the guy looked at the card. Dr. Lee, D.D.S., it read. A dentist??? But he'd try anything at this point.

The next day, he went to see Dr. Lee and got right in. The dentist promptly numbed the left side of his mouth and pulled one of his teeth. Showing it to the guy, Dr. Lee said, "You had an absess."

After he left the office, the guy was skeptical that his problem was cured that easily. But as the day wore on and into the next morning, he knew that his troubles were over and he went back to thank the good doctor.

"How did you know exactly what needed to be done?" he asked the dentist.

Dr Lee smiled knowingly. "That was easy," he replied. "Absess makes the fart go "honda!"