The Obscure Word Thread

Brobdingnagian \brob-ding-NAG-ee-uhn\, adjective:
Of extraordinary size; gigantic; enormous.
Ahhh,... c'mon, there' a bit of fudging going on here.

Most of the words here are in common daily usage, lets see some real obscure words like:

Aopopthegm, a terse or pithy maxim
gnomic \NOH-mik\, adjective:
Uttering, containing, or characterized by maxims; wise and pithy.
xe⋅bec   [zee-bek] Show IPA
a small, three-masted vessel of the Mediterranean, formerly much used by corsairs, now employed to some extent in commerce.
comity \KOM-uh-tee\, noun:
1. A state of mutual harmony, friendship, and respect, especially between or among nations or people; civility.
2. The courteous recognition by one nation of the laws and institutions of another.
3. The group of nations observing international comity.
Quad⋅ran⋅tids   [kwo-dran-tidz] Show IPA
–noun (used with a plural verb) Astronomy.
a collection of meteors comprising a meteor shower (Quadrantid meteor shower) visible around January 31 and having its apparent origin in the constellation Boötes.
numismatics \noo-miz-MAT-iks; -mis-; nyoo-\, noun:
the collection and study of money (and coins in particular).
labile \LAY-byl\, adjective:
1. Open to change; apt or likely to change; adaptable.
2. Constantly or readily undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown; unstable.
erudite \AIR-yuh-dyt; -uh-dyt\, adjective:
Characterized by extensive reading or knowledge; learned.
insouciant \in-SOO-see-uhnt\, adjective:
Marked by lighthearted unconcern or indifference; carefree; nonchalant.
echeveria |ˌe ch əvəˈrēə|
a succulent plant with rosettes of fleshy colorful leaves, native to warm regions of America and popular as houseplants. • Genus Echeveria, family Crassulaceae: numerous species and cultivars.