Obama Admin steers Contract to foriegn company with ties to Soros

AT6B manuvers like crap with an unbalanced payload, they were already used by SOCOM that's why the AF went with the Super Tacos.
Pure Conspiracy theory, without anything to support the insinuation other than the GOP dreaded boogieman "Soros".

Soro's is a Billionaire, he probably has thousands of such investments in hundreds of different companies. It means ZILCH.

The only "proof" offered is that Embaer has been involved in corruption before. Yeah and corruption in the aircraft industry is obviously just a Brazilian problem. Its not like US aircraft companies would do that...Lockheed Martin in 1971 (Bribery scandal) and Boeing 2003 (inflating prices).

And of course one of the posters (WARLORD) stated this:

"I think we will find out that the USAF removed the AT-6 from the competition because the original RFP sought a “non-developmental” aircraft and the AT-6 (with only two prototypes in existence) is still very much in development".
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That's part of it. They took the Texan II and mounted hard points and systems points on it added a little up armor. This apparently screwed up the the aircrafts trim dynamics once a portion of the playload was gone.