Nuclear Holocaust


Active member
Ok, I am watching what I think is The Day After, a made for TV movie about the possible outcome of a nuclear exchange between Russia and America. Now a question popped up in my head and I wanted to see what everyone else has to say on this subject.

In the event of a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, would it be better for the government to warn people of the impending danger or let them live the last 20 minutes of their lives blissfully unaware of what is about to happen to them?

Personally, I don't think any warning should be given to the general public. There is little that could be done to save people from these weapons, they are most likely going to die anyways, so why not let them die, not happy, but also not in a futile effort to save their own lives? Warning should be given to certain people, local and state politicians should be notifed, military personnel should be evacuated or taken to safety if possible.
If there are shelters, the population needs to be warned so they can go to subways and other underground cover. The best way to survive is to prepare beforehand.
Let us know. So those in the slow and painful fallout zone can tie their nooses and chamber a round in their handguns...

I saw the last hour of this movie today on cable, and it was depressing enough to make me think I would definitely commit suicide if I knew I had radiation sickness.
I went to high school in Colorado Springs and we knew that if the cold war went hot we were number two on the USSR targetting list. This translated into 11 minutes from when the DEW detected a launch until we were the meat in the world's biggest bbq. NORAD, Ft Carson, Peterson AFB, USAF Academy, Falcon ABM... 80% of the population of Colorado Sprins in 1987 was either active duty or retired military. To a person everyone I knew was in consensus that we would grab a six pack and climb up on the roofs rather than die slowly from the radiation after the show was over.
That's a really interesting question to ponder. Perhaps I am being cynical, but I don't think if given the warning that most Americans would do anything more than cause chaos. I really don't know how much of our population would use the last 20 minutes of their lives to say goodbye, or make ammends to whatever God(s) they believe in.

I think, think, I vote for no. Ignorance is bliss. Besides, the anger at not being told anything about it before hand will help fuel the fire of rebellion and revenge for those who survive.
Definately yes,I've already decided what to do in the four minutes I'd have and I expect everyone else would do the same.
I expect everyone else would do the same.

I would have sex with my beloved one last time if I was in the kill radius, but other than that I would jump on my motorcyle and get the heck out of Dodge. I would rather be alive with nothing (except my motorcycle, that is) than dead with everything, and I bet a lot of people think that way too. No material possession is worth dying for. Never quit!
I would have sex with my beloved one last time if I was in the kill radius, but other than that I would jump on my motorcyle and get the heck out of Dodge. I would rather be alive with nothing (except my motorcycle, that is) than dead with everything, and I bet a lot of people think that way too. No material possession is worth dying for. Never quit!
thats word for word what i was thinking
There probably would be a warning since eventually society would be put back together and everyone would wonder why nobody gave an early warning for the missiles so that a few more lives could be saved, that's assuming if no warning was given. It's a government, it's supposed to issue warnings to citizens whose taxes pay for everything.
Personally I would grab a six pack of beer with Bulldogg and climb up on the roof.

20 years since Chernobyl and we haven't seen the end of that yet.
I think the govermant should warn the people in case of a deadly attack. To give the people one last chance to do something that they always wanted to do before their death.
Yes, that's all well and good until you are caught inflagrante delicto as the announcement is made... "This was only a test"
Is it all worth worrying about. if happens thats it, and if doesn't then why worry about it. What ever happens we will all wind up dead sooner or later. What was my sergeants saying, die young lad and make a good looking corpse
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*clears throat* O Canada!

Like Missileer said...Im gettin the hell outta here if I hear about it. Canadas population will vastly increase. Just turn the keys, and RUN!
*clears throat* O Canada!

Like Missileer said...Im gettin the hell outta here if I hear about it. Canadas population will vastly increase. Just turn the keys, and RUN!

You and 450.000 other people hitting the highway on the same time will make the "mother of all traffic jams" so grab that six pack and join us, mate... :sorry: