New Member

Hello, I´m a new member from Spain, I´m a former special operations of spanish army
I also am a brand new member.
My wife is a teacher and has had six years of academic Spanish and she has dreamed all her life of retiring in Spain and teaching English. She will retire in 2 years, and I have promised I will migrate with her. I served in the USA as a helicopter pilot, and the USArmy National Guard as a fixed wing pilot.
I have a BS and JD. This and $3.50 will get me a cup of coffee at Starbucks. While in Spain I would like to stay busy and useful through volunteering, perhaps teaching business English.
I had two years of HS Spainish and from living California for decades have learned and retained enough Spainish to order food, buy shoes, understand directions, curse, and flirt.
Where do and should I begin my journey of a thousand miles to your beautiful and exciting country; this being my first step?:tank: I never thought of it before: Typical Yankee, but perhaps Spain doesn't wants us beyond a few weeks.