New Hostage Crisis in Russia

In the news here in Norway they have reported from 10 and up to 150 deaths, so it's impossible to know what's true..

I guess we'll find out in a couple of days.... :?
1 hostage explained how storm started, its because the terrorists had had granedes hangin in the roof, one grenade fell and exploded and then those people began to rush out of there because the roof was falling down..
Redleg said:
In the news here in Norway they have reported from 10 and up to 150 deaths, so it's impossible to know what's true..

I guess we'll find out in a couple of days.... :?

ITV had a reporter on awhile ago, he had apparently been in the school and stated there were around 100 bodies in the gym. How factual this is, I do not know - it is still unconfirmed, despite what the reporter said.
According to Norwegian news 79 dead have been identified now, but there can be 100+ more according to some reports.
As many as 650 (250 children) wounded have been transported to hospitals...

All terrorists (about 40) have been killed or captured according to russian news.
20 dead, amongst them 10 arabs.
But a Norwegian reporter at the school has just reported more gunfire now, so it's impossible to know what's going on..

There could have been as many as 1,200 hostages at the school, and about 70% of them were children..

It's a great tragedy, regardless of what the true numbers of killed and wounded are.
Unfortunatly I fear that a number of civilians may have taken to arms and been involved in the fight, that's probobly the reason for the larger casulties emerging.
according to BBC, 100 hostages dead, 10 terrorists dead, the terrorists had bombs planted up on the roof and they detonated them causing the roof to collapse.

Russia currently has 80,000 soldiers in Chechnya.
GuyontheRight said:
Unfortunatly I fear that a number of civilians may have taken to arms and been involved in the fight, that's probobly the reason for the larger casulties emerging.

What are you talking about?
A number of parents and civilians from the town took up arms when they found there children were inside (I dont blame them) At least this is the info Im getting from another forum, they may just be some off duty policemen, but Im fairly sure some individuals apart from the military and government took up positions around the compound.

Got a source for that? (Besides another forum.)

If so, from personal experience fighting fires, there is nothing more aggravating and counter-productive than untrained personnel trying to help under their own supervision, and I can only imagine how badly this would be magnified in a situation like that. I hope and pray that the initial reports prove to be incorrect as far as the civilian casualties are concerned.
I cant confirm Redneck, It may just be BS but I got a feeling some people did arm themselves. This is horrible, I cant imagine the plight of our Russian brothers. I am reminded of a song at such a moment, and although It wasn't written to describe this, I feel the words describe the tragedy perfectly.

And the battle's just begun
There's many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters
Torn apart

RIP and God Bless all those who fell In these last 24 hours, and may God have mercy on these terorists, because Russia and her friend the USA will not...
did they capture any terrorists alive, because i i heard about were the ones that they killed.

and i believe that it is all to possible that there may have been some vigilante forces attempting something as GOTR suggested.
I heard 3 from Russian TV. Apparently alot of Islamic mercanaries were involved, who Russia says are part of an "International Network"
Actually they said 10 were Arabs, Im sure they all were Muslims. A black? Interesting, perhaps recruited from Somalia or the Sudan?
Redneck said:
Got a source for that? (Besides another forum.)

I've also heard rumors about this on the news here..

About 30 of the killed are supposed to be Russian Special Forces (Spetznaz?).
3 terrorists have been taken alive, and at least 3 are still missing.

They do also believe that most of the guns and explosives were already in the school building when the terrorists arrived.
Probably been hidden there when the school was being fixed this summer.