Network centric warfare WW 3.0

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AHOY, this conversation originated in a thread by IMF member coolfeelings titled “new question”.

Major liability your point about a possible foe of equal or more advanced tech.
As we all know the US has the greatest foot hold with the ultimate high ground (space). IMO the US well never loss that, I once read a book that suggested WWIII would start in a way that would be very public yet not noticed for what it was i.e. it would start with a series of Satellites falling to earth. Victims of attacks (sats going off course and crashing into others) and being portrayed to the media as malfunctions or mishaps. Hence Space command’s SOP (standard operational procedure) “treat every malfunction as an attack until proven otherwise”.
I would very much be interested in some of our Geek (computer master) members opinions about what might be possible for one side with out the benefits of space i.e. sats meaning no GPS right? And the counters possible for the side with sats i.e. against techniques possible to the have-nots (no astronauts lol) side. The book about WWIII ended with the suggestion the winner would be the side with the last antenna (possibly on a sat) standing.

On a more current near feature dilemma. I would like everyone to consider this.
The fallowing statement was written before Network centric warfare was becoming a reality.

“Attitudes differ on the battlefield. It can be difficult to tell whose winning. Especially today when battles are lost, units are quickly repositioned. Troops decide who won or lost. It’s possible for non combat troops to maintain reasonable belief in continuing victory with out knowledge of the big picture. A local defeat can be explained as an exception. Opinions also very with M.O.S. rank and location. Paraphrase of James Dunnigan.

NOTE: IMO with systems like Network centric warfare this naivety (mentioned above) would be less likely in the feature.

Thus without being able to keep the masses in the dark, IMO there is more need for what?
Motivation? Dare anyone say indoctrination? Drugs perhaps, i.e. movie Jacob’s ladder. (movie suggested troops in Vietnam were given a drug to make them more aggressive).
Can any government produce true killing beings? Keeping in mind the book “On killing”. The theme is basically that there is lots of evidence to support the claim that over the years (back to at least civil war that I recall) most combatants on the battle field are not trying to kill anyone.

Might wars on a much smaller scale be necessary? Like the general (whose name I can’t recall) said “we need to prepare to fight limited engagements, by minimal means, for specific goals”. G-day!
Not sure what you mean by wars on a smaller scale, but I definitely think that if they do get their networked battlefield up and running they cannot allow themselves to become reliant on it. Depending on technology on such a massive scale is a major vulnerability. I think people high up recognize this, they're bringing SR-71s back and most likely are already working on (or have) a new high altitude surveillance plane because satellites are easy to shoot down.

I don't think there's any way to make someone into a killer without drugs and brainwashing. You're either born an uninhibited psychopath or you're not. If I recall correctly a study has shown that about 20% of the population are psychopaths. Nothing wrong with that, most aren't violent, they're just wired differently from birth. It's probably a big advantage in the dog-eat-dog corporate world. Even better for a lawyer, politician, or soldier...
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AHOY, Major liability;
Small scale I’m not sure I know what I mean either, maybe peace meal tactics lots of shuffling around and committing very small units at a time. IMO US is already reliant on this stuff. What’s the story on SR-71? As far as high altitude that’s what I’m talking about when I refer to Near Space assist i.e. blimps etc. And there is lost of work being done on micro sats, more difficult to shoot down maybe.

On killing and Psychopaths interesting allow me to expand on this mental health issue. I’m not saying I’m 100% right I’m just wondering. And after your fallow up comments well move on back to the theme of the thread. IMO this syops stuff is a tangled web indeed. Hence my note on syops post # 15 Fragmented fighting facts thread.

I’ll see your general public figures and raise ya 75%. And yes I’m aware that one of the signs that a person is a social path is that they think they are the last remaining sane person.
Reasoning for the 95%;
IMO its amazing how much one can learn about people by observing the vehicles in a parking lot. I first noticed this out side my BEQ at camp Pendleton. Our infantry lot was just about empty, weapons had quite a few. My bub was in the air wing at El toro and his lot was jammed full. It was an intelligence gap.

Now look at the lot at a big collage or cooperation. You well see three or four types of vehicles right. You know where I’m going with this, there’s even a car commercial now explaining how you well go to X collage, drive X car etc.

My point is that collages like the services are not training people for any thing they need in the real world. IMO one under lining reason for the Military regulations, hurry up and wait etc is to keep people form being able to think, at work people are always busy busy (but not thinking) and during vacation they sleep. Its just go along with the flow (fallow orders) believe in the Matrix, no more General Mc Authors, or Rambos.

The elite actually think that they chose their spouses, that they meet at a party surrounded by their peers lol. Once they have the children the deal is sealed. I recall one time my boss telling me that the guy getting the raise had a wife who was having a kid (lol) I told him us too after I get not just a raise but a promotion first. But you see now days the company wants the chains on first. You see IMO the person who has a kid while serving then goes out and puts there self in the line of fire lacks intelligence to say the least. ANYWAYS!

So lets look at the Time magazine cover story of June 16 2008 “The military’s secret weapon” the story is about Prozac and other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIS). It mentions a lot of figures on suicides etc. Some Doctors claiming its more to do with failed relationships, etc. Example figures; chart titled “The mental health of soldiers deteriorates with more combat and repeated tours” 1st deployment 12%, 2nd 19%, 3rd or more 27%

IMO this is a result of the contrast between the recruits image of becoming a commando type learning true guerrilla tactics and the reality of the Matrix type system. Then when the service person returns home the internal conflict is compounded when people back home want to here the fire fight stories and its all Go Go Go Go and take cover here comes a crowd pleaser (2000 lbs GBU). Example; Pat Tilman in Afghanistan, IMO this was a man who thought he was going to learn to fight, and when he seen the Matrix if you well he bucked, and members of his unit resented him. Hence how well my post have been received. G-day!
1.IMO its amazing how much one can learn about people by observing the vehicles in a parking lot. I first noticed this out side my BEQ at camp Pendleton. Our infantry lot was just about empty, weapons had quite a few. My bub was in the air wing at El toro and his lot was jammed full. It was an intelligence gap.

2.Example; Pat Tilman in Afghanistan, IMO this was a man who thought he was going to learn to fight, and when he seen the Matrix if you well he bucked, and members of his unit resented him. Hence how well my post have been received. G-day!

1. So the PFC's and LCpl's didn't have cars because they lacked intelligence? And the Wingers had cars because they were more intelligent? Yeah okay.

2. Unless you were boots on the ground with Cpl. Tillman or have access to the reams of documents that deal with the incident in which he was killed. Or you have some psyhic ability and have regular conversation's with Cpl. Tillman. You need to to take your half azzed theories concerning the incident and keep them to yourself.

I'm not going to allow backhanded attempts aimmed at servicemen that you wish to use to further your little super tactical tactic's "lessons".

In short if you can't prove the veiled allegation you just made, then you need refrain from making it, again.
AHOY, 03USMC did you wait till I signed off to attack or just coincidence.

I think my theory holds up as good as his parents theories. And I heard others make similar statements on CNN.

ANYWAYS your attitude proves my point just fine.

IMO YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! i.e. CMC (wrongway) is a wizard of oz!
No traditional combat training not during my time or yours or now or ever. But unlike you who just eat what you were fed I had the foresight to get out and learned to hunt on my own. Proving another theory of mine that being...

that it is not the training of Marines that make them special, its the fact they (at that young age) had the courage to make the choice to join in the first place.

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Now why would I wait for you to log out?

I won't tell you again. I care less what CNN said. I do understand how the Tillman family feels.

But you will not use CPL Tillmans death to try and further your half baked theories on tactics and or training. Tracking?
No idea where you two are going with your attack's on each other but th brainwash talk I want to touch a little

I have done research on this and many others stories on brainwashing to kill even if a child is in the womb it has been done. Yes us as beings wish not to kill yes this so very true, but then you ask this when the population has grown by double since 1970 and is still rising, I can say for sure the brainwashing and drugging for killers is bigger then first seen I have a few thoughts of whats going on piece by piece.

If I am correct then yes we as a species are doomed by the actions each other from the small groups that developed over so many years and claimed power, I won't go into this for the fact its such a touchy subject. Killing isn't something we choose maybe but has been planted over time and time over (if you understand that) the military branches aren't the only ones going through this from of thought its everywhere. I would call this a form of psi-op from people world wide who have agreed on tactic's that should headed out.The people with war, peace, good, bad, light, dark, etc is this we as people have gotten so caught up in the nonsense of these people who pull strings cause if you think a United Nations will allow this then you have no idea on anything other then what you told (which in every aspect is a Military brainwash on everyone to always follow order's) if the united nations where true at any given time then the chaos we live in today would have never existed bicker with this all you would like but this is true and you should all know this, if not then look deep inside yourself cause mind control could turn you into someone else

if you disagree with this let me give you a little inside

study a little physics then learn the human mind then combine human thoughts and frequency's together and tell me what you get, rather you like it or not this lifestyle is here and has always been around for decades centuries and millenniums
AHOY, coolfeelings; I'll have to read your post closer later however IMO you may have been more or less alluding to this;

Statement by Michael Asher an SAS member; living with a nomadic tribe in the Sahara. This tribe valued nothing so much as courage and endurance they were a stern rugged people who had survived for centuries where survival was only just possible. These nomads lived by a code as strict as anything I had known in the SAS. A man must defend his traveling companions until death. He must offer hospitality to complete strangers and guard them with his life while they dwelt in his tent. He must share every last drop of water and every last piece of food. He must take upon himself the sacred duty of revenge especially for an affront to the honor of his tribe. These people had no outlets for their violence as we had had in the army. I realized there were no fist-fights to determine pecking order, no milling. Fist fights are after all a kind of game played to a set of conventions. These nomads did not know how to make a fist; they carried daggers and were not slow to use them. Every fight was a fight to the death. To them, war was a limited affair, a skirmish in which one or two people were killed and honor was satisfied, in a fight to defend your life, wife, land or livestock. These were things a man could fight for. I thought there was no shame in being a warrior, it had been and honorable profession since the dawn of time. However our society had become so huge and complex that you were fighting not for things that really mattered but for abstract concepts or merely a police action. It was then that I learned my final lesson, fight, but do not fight another man’s war. These nomads had few of the illusions of so called civilization. They did not as Carl Gustav Jung said, “believe in the welfare state, in universal peace, in the equality of man, in his eternal human rights, in justice, truth or the kingdom of god on earth”. There struggle for existence over the millennia had taught them the sad truth. Mans life, is a complex of inexorable (i.e. relentless) opposites day and night, birth and death, happiness and misery, good and evil. They are not sure, even that one will prevail against the other, or that good will avenge evil or joy defeat pain. Life is a battle ground. It always has been and it always well be. If it were not so, existence would come to and end. The ability of people to dehumanize anyone outside their own tribe is the sole cause of war. (IMO hence terms like deal enders and all the rest). It is also paradoxically the reason for human survival. The world exists in harmony, but everywhere nature is in conflict tooth and claw. Conflict is what gives nature its structure. Adversity like love, makes you a person, it defines you and gives you an identity. Identity not food or land is what the fighting is really about. (hence IMO 03USMCs attacks on Newjarheaddean) The enemy is what makes you yourself. Without the enemy you are nothing.

That said I still hold on to this.

James Dunnigan
Oh thats not bashing. I'm just fast coming to the conclusion that you two waxing poetic and philosophic about stuff that you have no idea about. Just might be putting some really bad intel out there.
AHOY Coolfeelings I don’t mean to sound sharp but lets not talk about other members and talk about the subject i.e. Network centric warfare. However I’ll comment on your post and you can reply but then if you have much more to say on subject I would ask that you start another thread, thanks.
On your brainwashing comments, yes people have been made to do lots of crazy things. It always has amazed me how seemingly normal educated people fall victims to brainwashing. Examples the Charles Manson family, and IMO mostly if not all are based on Christianity I might add with all the suicide bombing campaigns by the Muslims they don't seem to do it in mass. Cults are characterized by bizarre and eccentric practices. Marked as members, tattoos or even castration. Vows of silence. Polygamy, public confessions, communal punishment. The structure of Heaven's Gate resembled that of a Medieval Monastic order. Group members gave up their material possessions and lived a highly ascetic life devoid of any indulgences. Everything was shared communally. Six of the male members of the cult voluntarily underwent castration as an extreme means of maintaining the ascetic lifestyle. Heavens gate. Leader Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles. Located in a house on a ranch in Sante Fe near San Diego. Suicide act on March 26 1997. Deaths #39. Other examples, Jim Jones people’s temple. In Jonestown Guyana. Leader Jim Jones. Group drank cyanide laced Kool-Aid. On Nov. 18 1978 Deaths # 900. Branch Davidians. At Waco Texas. Leader David Koresh. Burned to death, on April 19 1993, Deaths # 76. The order of the solar temple. At locations in Switzerland and Quebec. In Oct. 1994, Dec. 1995, and March? 1997. Death total #74. Movement for the restoration for the ten commandments of god, A Ugandan doomsday cult. Sang hymns, doused themselves with gas, and set themselves on fire. On March 18, 2000. Deaths # 230.
Here are some of my notes on the tricks of the trade for recruitment of suicide bombers Head hunters look for those sympathetic to group’s cause, loners who have little future. Uneducated little chance of mirage, people who are not good looking, homosexuals, out case, minimum family ties. Families can be large or small, poor or rich. Especially those who have lost love ones. People living away from home. Have a passive out look sights air of resignation, quietness lack of interest, communication or appetite. With people in general they first work on weak then those less frequently aroused more stable. Use verity of approaches, lines of persuasion. Consequently there’s a better chance of hitting on common ground. Ideas of others must be respected stress accord and a sincere approval of ones values. Avoid dogmatism's and minor disagreements, people like to win, keep larger picture in mind. Gain report by showing interest in there tools and skills. Never promise them anything unless you can deliver. Target person is isolated and alienated then just as they can't take it anymore, you spring on them with the planned/chance meeting in public. The pitch a slow methodical mine game. High ranking respected member embraces recruit in public. Make them feel important needed, recruit told of his /her talents virtues that pertain to mission/group. Such as loyalty to the group, not individual thoughts. To control others you must firsts ID what they see as reward, then control reward based on performance. To ID reward consider all possibilities, especially those they may not be aware of. Greed, punishment, intimidation, peace, health, acceptance, approval, companionship, fulfillment, love, physical power, praise, morality, righteousness- (appealing to there sense of right and wrong), spiritual, sexuality, income. Watchers do back ground cheeks, looking for leads to other groups. Recruits first used as support so more can be learned about them there family and past. Etc. etc. However long term relationships with Handlers, to reaffirm reliability are difficult to maintain with out arousing rival suspicions. Study findings by Shin bet the Israeli version of the FBI; male suicide bombers tend to be introverts, the women less so. The women are older and better educated than their male counterparts. Out of 67 women recruited for suicide attacks from 2002 to 2005, 33% were college graduates and an additional 39% had finished high school. Males are usually in their late teens to early twenties with little education. Israeli intelligence believes women receive far less training and preparation for their suicide missions than do men. Why do they do it? Some are motivated by the promise of paradise. Other motives are revenge, and to restore family honor. Many women point to private tragedy or shame. Recruiters, who approach them on campus or through internet chat rooms, well make romantic advances that the women fall for. Some see it as preferable to an arranged marriage. Some because fathers refused to let them marry boyfriends.
Note all the above info is public knowledge and IMO being aware of the tactics can help one recognize when they maybe being targeted and can call the authorities. what about that Network centric warfare? G-day!
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AHOY Coolfeelings I don’t mean to sound sharp but lets not talk about other members and talk about the subject i.e. Network centric warfare. However I’ll comment on your post and you can reply but then if you have much more to say on subject I would ask that you start another thread, thanks.
On your brainwashing comments, yes people have been made to do lots of crazy things. It always has amazed me how seemingly normal educated people fall victims to brainwashing. Examples the Charles Manson family, and IMO mostly if not all are based on Christianity I might add with all the suicide bombing campaigns by the Muslims they don't seem to do it in mass. Cults are characterized by bizarre and eccentric practices. Marked as members, tattoos or even castration. Vows of silence. Polygamy, public confessions, communal punishment. The structure of Heaven's Gate resembled that of a Medieval Monastic order. Group members gave up their material possessions and lived a highly ascetic life devoid of any indulgences. Everything was shared communally. Six of the male members of the cult voluntarily underwent castration as an extreme means of maintaining the ascetic lifestyle. Heavens gate. Leader Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles. Located in a house on a ranch in Sante Fe near San Diego. Suicide act on March 26 1997. Deaths #39. Other examples, Jim Jones people’s temple. In Jonestown Guyana. Leader Jim Jones. Group drank cyanide laced Kool-Aid. On Nov. 18 1978 Deaths # 900. Branch Davidians. At Waco Texas. Leader David Koresh. Burned to death, on April 19 1993, Deaths # 76. The order of the solar temple. At locations in Switzerland and Quebec. In Oct. 1994, Dec. 1995, and March? 1997. Death total #74. Movement for the restoration for the ten commandments of god, A Ugandan doomsday cult. Sang hymns, doused themselves with gas, and set themselves on fire. On March 18, 2000. Deaths # 230.
Here are some of my notes on the tricks of the trade for recruitment of suicide bombers Head hunters look for those sympathetic to group’s cause, loners who have little future. Uneducated little chance of mirage, people who are not good looking, homosexuals, out case, minimum family ties. Families can be large or small, poor or rich. Especially those who have lost love ones. People living away from home. Have a passive out look sights air of resignation, quietness lack of interest, communication or appetite. With people in general they first work on weak then those less frequently aroused more stable. Use verity of approaches, lines of persuasion. Consequently there’s a better chance of hitting on common ground. Ideas of others must be respected stress accord and a sincere approval of ones values. Avoid dogmatism's and minor disagreements, people like to win, keep larger picture in mind. Gain report by showing interest in there tools and skills. Never promise them anything unless you can deliver. Target person is isolated and alienated then just as they can't take it anymore, you spring on them with the planned/chance meeting in public. The pitch a slow methodical mine game. High ranking respected member embraces recruit in public. Make them feel important needed, recruit told of his /her talents virtues that pertain to mission/group. Such as loyalty to the group, not individual thoughts. To control others you must firsts ID what they see as reward, then control reward based on performance. To ID reward consider all possibilities, especially those they may not be aware of. Greed, punishment, intimidation, peace, health, acceptance, approval, companionship, fulfillment, love, physical power, praise, morality, righteousness- (appealing to there sense of right and wrong), spiritual, sexuality, income. Watchers do back ground cheeks, looking for leads to other groups. Recruits first used as support so more can be learned about them there family and past. Etc. etc. However long term relationships with Handlers, to reaffirm reliability are difficult to maintain with out arousing rival suspicions. Study findings by Shin bet the Israeli version of the FBI; male suicide bombers tend to be introverts, the women less so. The women are older and better educated than their male counterparts. Out of 67 women recruited for suicide attacks from 2002 to 2005, 33% were college graduates and an additional 39% had finished high school. Males are usually in their late teens to early twenties with little education. Israeli intelligence believes women receive far less training and preparation for their suicide missions than do men. Why do they do it? Some are motivated by the promise of paradise. Other motives are revenge, and to restore family honor. Many women point to private tragedy or shame. Recruiters, who approach them on campus or through internet chat rooms, well make romantic advances that the women fall for. Some see it as preferable to an arranged marriage. Some because fathers refused to let them marry boyfriends.
Note all the above info is public knowledge and IMO being aware of the tactics can help one recognize when they maybe being targeted and can call the authorities. what about that Network centric warfare? G-day!

After reading this mind blogging testament of yours filled with fact's, theory's, and ideas I have came up with what I can handle at the moment

Loners-Never should this be a concept that portrays a suicide bomber.I have been almost all my life a renegade of society making me a loner that winds up seeing things for the way they are.I have never once went through with the simpleminded though of killing myself (not saying the thought has not occurred) to myself and many others its to much of scapegoat or a sign of weakness that we can't survive when we know that we are more then likely capable to do so.

Your Loner breakdown means- Many people no matter the area country or location or easily influenced it is in they're nature to be, but it is also in their nature to reject these same influence's although the feeling of being accepted is what is drawn to them, the feeling or for the matter accepting the fact that they are alone in this world. These "tactics" are used more in darker case's then you first lead on.

1) For a demented priest who has tasted the so-called "sin" and falls deep with in there book to tell some child, man,or woman that this is ok when in fact they have learned to ways of manipulating a culture for so many years, that speaking to someone (who is what we in America call the ("social outcast")that has been rejected by society and hasn't learned the proper ways of being "self effective" that

"What I am about to do to you is OK in the lords eye's and all will be forgiven and this is our little secret"

Meaning this form of brain wash is nothing more then the greatest thing man has ever learned on this war infested planted, Manipulation which I can breakdown also for the sake of this

Manipulation-[SIZE=-1]exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage

When really Manipulation is nothing more then


So you could say this is Darwin's law as with everything.

Man's input-
To Be - Not to be

All of these these things are what we follow and use yet in still we refuse to rebuttal these things nor defeat them, since if we would we would only be back towards the basic's.This form of thinking is how every country thinks (Well so far from what I see, Haven't been in Japan before the door were kicked in or anywhere else for that matter etc etc) despite what they may claim, this is Man's input and for the sake of argument

You could also say Woman's input but that is neither here not there.

The only thing I have seen throughout all of my life that can not be controlled is this

War but not modern warfare no the war in which we choose (as men) to fight ( I'm sorry to any female's here I'm not a female so I can't speak on your nature) that is in our blood these wars we fight have nothing to do with our countries but more to do with or instinctive nature to fight for one's self, our countries just happen to be what adds fuel to our internal fire. We have to have something to fight for by nature, because we all are warriors at heart even though some may be sissy (and that is not at homosexual's you know who you are you little punks afraid to fight who crated all of this in the first place)

Man's Law more of the matter Man's input.Anything under that is this that we see, mind control all of it so all that you speak on goes back to one thing manipulation.

Why else do we who know the truth always say (and those who know what I'm talking about go ahead and wild out on this one)


:santam16:(insert black suites to remove me away now):santam16:

Yeah soooooo since I see this going no where, except a pyscho babble tangent, between you two "Super Warriors." Think I'm gonna slap a lock on this one. Feel free to contact Redleg if you disagree.
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