My grandfather...and the truck...


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My grandfather was in the british army during WWII. He was a truck driver, later an NCO and finnaly an officer, all in various transport units mainly in north africa.

When he was still a driver, his unit was somewhere in North-Africa and they had temporary buildings. These buildings were made to be built and taken apart quickly, and were no more than 4 walls connected to eachother by having extentions that fit on to grooves on each corner. The extentions were made so they extended out of the frame, so its easy to take the building apart quickly. Well...

Here comes my grandfather to a truck parked out of his COs office. Starts the truck and puts it in first gear. Drives forwards with some strange resistance. Stops. Looks to the back and immidietly shuts the engine down and gets out of the truck. He walks to the back of the truck and finds that it caught one of the extentions and pulled the entire wall of his COs office open like a big door. The CO is at his desk, a classic british officer. He looks up at my grandfather and says:
"Corporal Issac, next time you wish to speak with me, use the door like everyone else."