My computer!!

Im not an idiot you guys I swear, I've had to learn A LOT about my computer since it's crashed about 7 times. Half the time I just beg and plead and pray to God.

yes when it goes to the screen when you first turn it on and it says "press F8 to open BBS popup thats what Im pressing it...

The thing is, my computer's not even that old, its about...2 years old, if even that.

oh and TOG, I don't even have a floppy drive to rip out, oh wait yeah I do, when the HECK did that get there? musta been the last time my uncle fixed it...hmmmm
I hope that you did not think I was treating you as an idiot, nothing is further from the truth. I was just trying to start at the beginning so that we cover all of the options.

Obviously your BIOS also has a F8 option, which means that you will have to watch your computer boot whilst pressing F8 to determine when the BBS option loads. On subsequent boots, you must try to click (and keep tapping the F8 key) immediately after this time.

If this does not work you can try the bruteforce method of safe mode booting your system, where at the first chance after Windows starts loading, switch it off at the power point. This will force your OS to go to Safe Mode (or the screen that gives you the option) on the next boot.
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