My Brother's Haunted House... feel free to share your stories =)


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I never really believed in ghosts until my brother moved into a 200 year old farmhouse...

My bf of the time was boarding with my brother in the huge house. It kind of gave me the creeps, but other than that, the house didn't really bother me.

Things started to get weird the first day he moved in. We were bringing some boxes up the stairs when we saw 3 marbles sitting at the top of the stairs. We didn't think much of it until we went back downstairs and noticed there were 3 marbles sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor. It was really strange because we had just passed through the kitchen only a few minutes before and the marbles hadn't been there. We started finding marbles everywhere. They would either be directly in the center of the room, or in a corner, and they would always seem to appear in a room we had just been in. This went on for months....

My brother is rarely home at night, because he is a fisherman, and spends long nights out on the boat, and only returns in the daytime for a few hours of sleep. His girlfriend on the other hand usually has to spend nights alone in the house. One night when she was showering, the radio suddenly turned off and when she checked the power button had been slid over to the "Off" position. Another time when she was showering the bathroom light turned off. She got out of the shower and had to turn it on again. She tried playing with the switch to see if there was any way it could have turned off on it's own but there was no way it flipped off on it's own.
She also continually has to shut the knife drawer in the kitchen- each time she goes in it is open. My brother also was in the kitchen one day when the toaster suddenly popped- and it wasn't even plugged in!

The only personal experience I've had with the house was one night when I slept over with my boyfriend. It was in the middle of the night when we heard someone playing his drumset downstairs. We figured it must have been my brother trying to scare us. The next morning my brother asked us why we were up in the middle of the night playing the drums....we were all a bit creeped out after that....

My brother's girlfriend decided to use a Ouija board to try and figure out who was haunting the house. I don't believe in playing Ouija boards so I refused, but one of our friends agreed to play it with her. They asked who was haunting the house and the Ouija board spelled out the name "John Good". Our friend got scared and went home....

So now we're in the process of trying to figure out if there really ever was a John Good. Good is a popular surname in our area, my boyfriend's last name was actually Good, so we're going to do a bit of research and see what we can find out ;) I'll keep you all posted.

So what about you guys? Do you believe in ghosts? Have any stories to share??
I've never been much of a believer myself, that's not to say that some peculiar and unexplained things don't happen, so,.... let's say, I've got a slightly open mind on the matter. However there was one time in my life when I thought I had become a believer,... Bigtime.

For a number of years a mate and myself ran a small goldmine in South Australia. Me being a Merchant seaman meant that I only worked about six months of the year and needed a "hobby" to keep me occupied in my time off. To enable me to spend some time with my family we worked Friday to Monday during my time off. The mine itself is well out in the bush miles from the nearest human habitation and well out of sight behind a spur of a hill, consequently we saw very few visitors.

I often used to get up to the mine which was 100 km from my home, on the thursday evening ahead of my partner who usually arrived early on the following day. Once I arrived I'd toss my food and bedding off at the old deserted hut that I used as my living quarters and then drove on three kilometres on up to the mine to open up to have a bit of a look around. On this occasion I was much earlier than usual and decided that I may as well start the compressor and start drilling the face ready for our first round of charges. Being on my own I didn't bother starting the diesel alternator as I could work with my caplamp. Now, I must explain that the lease that we were working, had previously been worked by an old miner named Wally Edwards many years before, and we occasionally noticed odd happenings, like cold breezes in dead end workings, also my partner's dog (a blue heeler cattledog) would come down underground with us and sometimes trot over to a spot and sit, looking up into the air as if waiting for some invisible person to give her a pat, and if we noticed this odd happening we would always just say, "G'Day Wally" as a bit of a joke, and go on working.

So, on this occasion I got set up with my airleg and pneumatic rockdrill, and started drilling away with my mind in neutral, often "singing" (bellowing) away at the top of my voice to ease the monotony. The drill noise was about 110db so no one could possibly hear me. I had been going for 20 minutes or so when suddenly I had that creepy feeling that I was being watched. Normally I wouldn't have given it a second thought but this feeling was virtually compelling me to turn around and have a look, so without thinking anymore of it, turned around, only to see a ghostly outline of a person standing in the condensation fog caused by the drill exhaust, I nearly "cacked" myself, and d**ned near let go of the drill, which I eventually managed to shut off. It only took a second or so to realize that this wasn't a ghost, but for that second I had become "a believer".

As soon as the drill noise stopped I heard in a thick Germanic accent, "Hellooo, sorry to surprise you like that". It turned out to be a young Austrian Geologist who was on a working holiday out here and had been told about our mine by some of the locals in the nearest town 30km away. He had found his way out here which is no mean feat for a person who is not familiar with the country side, and when he pulled up at one of the old mines in the locality heard our diesel compressor running and followed the noise up the gully to find us. Once he got to the adit he realised that the only light he had was a small keyring sized torch, so with that he took off down the decline into the mine following the noise of the drill until he found me.

And that's the closest I ever came to being a believer.

I apologise for the poor photo, but it was taken with a telephoto lens and then off a slide (poorly).
At left centre I can just be seen in a yellow helmet dumping a barrow load of mullock over the side of the heap. The photo was taken by a mate who came up and stayed with his wife to go bush walking through the hills.
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Whether you're a believer or not... Don't use a Ouija Board. Best not take the risk if there is something going on.

Personally, I believe there are some things we can't explain that may happen around us. I've had a few experiences (bleh, goosebumps just remembering them) of my own... I don't talk about them much for obvious reasons: (a) I can't prove any of them happened (b) I might be looked at as crazy, etc..

Anyway, I hope everything goes well and there's nothing to worry about.

This hotel is just about 10 minutes from my house. I've had no experiences with it, but a friend was in an upstairs hallway when suddenly one of the doors in an unoccupied room violently opened and closed. My friend tried the door and discovered it to be locked. Like I said, the room was unoccupied, so my friend's first reaction was to get out of there--fast. Another day he went back and tried the door to see if it could have somehow opened on its own, but the lock was secure.
Wow that's kinda creepy, lol

Ouija boards freak me out for some reason...they seem evil or something *shiver* Maybe I'll start a topic and see what ppl think :p
This isn't my story, it's a story of a pastor from England (real one too). This man had a grade 2 education and was a plumber (long ago). The man had a calling from God and he became a pastor. The man was renowned for his miracles. One of his miracles; A family came to the pastor and asked him to heal their deformed child. The pastor agreed to help and then put the baby on the altar. He then prayed and threw the baby off the altar to the floor. The parents, horrified, rushed to their baby only to find him cured of his deformality.
The man had such a strong belief that, in his autobiography, he wrote that at night we would sometimes smell sulfer and the room would get cold, and it was the devil. He said he looked into the dark and said "Oh, it's only you."
I don't know what to believe. The only "supernatural" thing I've seen was when I was a little kid, about 5 or 6, and it was most likely my eyes playing tricks on me... but it scared the **** out of me when it happened.

I was sleeping in my own bed, and opened my eyes expecting to see the wall of my room. But I saw a pitch black figure standing there (well, black in the darkness anyways) that looked almost like someone under a sheet, or wearing a veil. A second after I opened my eyes, it glided over the floor extremely fast, past the foot of my bed and into the wall. That made a believer out of me for about 5 years, until I got older and told myself it must have been my eyes playing tricks.

And it would be pretty easy to dismiss as well, if not for another weird occurrence. Not more than a year later I was staying home alone for a little bit. I wanted to get into the attic because I had left one of my Nerf guns up there. It was locked for no reason, so I looked through the keyhole (yes, the old school keyhole of the variety you see in movies) and saw something move past the keyhole really quick. I jumped back and went over to my friend's house.

Only one person had died in that house, a woman who had lived there her whole life and made it into her 90s and was a good friend of my mother. So I figured even if it was haunted the ghost wasn't out to harm me.

Nowadays I'm a total skeptic, but I have met a lot of guys who are a lot older than me who believe because they've seen similar inexplicable things.
Supposedly the airport I work at is haunted. And this morning I was in my office, at the back of the airport with my door closed. I had the lights turned off because the sun was bright enough to light up my office quite well and as I was sitting at my desk, filling out a form the lights switched on....I could see the switch from where I was sitting and I'm still trying to figure out how it may have flicked on....
There's a house in my old township that is haunted. Everyone who has ever moved there, within a week would move out. Me and a few friends were inside exploring and we found a ouija board. My friend, who was into that satanic stuff, started to use it. After a few secs he got a VERY worried look on his face and told us to burn it, right then and there. We did and we made sure it was in ashes in the fireplace. Well, a few days later, while walking in the woods near my house, we saw, just sitting there in the middle of the woods in a clearing, the ouija board, perfectly intact. We knew because there were some markings that looked like claw scratches on the back of the original, and the one in the woods had the exact identical marks.

This hotel is just about 10 minutes from my house. I've had no experiences with it, but a friend was in an upstairs hallway when suddenly one of the doors in an unoccupied room violently opened and closed. My friend tried the door and discovered it to be locked. Like I said, the room was unoccupied, so my friend's first reaction was to get out of there--fast. Another day he went back and tried the door to see if it could have somehow opened on its own, but the lock was secure.

That's a pretty cool looking place. But if its haunted, I think I'll pass on staying there. :)
That's a pretty cool looking place. But if its haunted, I think I'll pass on staying there. :)
You could always stay at the other hotel across the street... but there's rumors that it might be haunted too. ;)

Nonetheless, Granville's a really cool little town. It only has 2 gas stations, 1 fast food place, and a Bob Evans. Everything else is local.
Sure I believe in ghosts... though it is unlikely that what I believe is anything similar to the ghoul and goblin myths purported in the scary circles.

I don't believe that a structure can be "haunted," though I do believe that we invite our own demons.

Most of what we see we invite.

And at the risk of being labeled in the "name it and claim it" crowd (which I do not ascribe myself to be), I do believe that our minds have influence over our surroundings. If you go somewhere expecting to see something, you'll see it - real or not, you'll see it. The slightest perceptions become realities, and as perceptions are validated by these "realities" they foster a growth.

If a man sees himself as successful, so will he be. Conversely, if a man wishes to admit defeat, he subscribes to the whims of self-defeatism and leads himself to a point where victory, once a possible achievement, is now removed from his grasp. If a man allows his mind to see something -- anything -- his mind will manifest it. Not physically, but it'll be there nonetheless.

Do I know if ghosts exist? Nope. Do I care? Maybe on a peripheral level - we always want to know things that others do not. But in all reality? No, not really. I have enough demons that haunt me, I don't need to make my own.

My .02
You could always stay at the other hotel across the street... but there's rumors that it might be haunted too. ;)

Nonetheless, Granville's a really cool little town. It only has 2 gas stations, 1 fast food place, and a Bob Evans. Everything else is local. thanks. LOL

The town closest to me doesn't even have that much. We have a church and private school, a tiny restaurant that's only open in the mornings, and an itty bitty store (if you want to call it a store). We don't even have a stop light. :)
The best thing that we have is a general store, which sucks because you can't buy anything specific. Oh, and we have a pawn show my friend's dad runs.