Murphy's law; No such thing as an Aethist in a foxhole?

Cdt Matteo

Active member
Murphy's law states that there's no such thing as an aethist in a foxhole. For you Army men, is this true because it's gonna 6 years until I'm done Officer School and Royal Military College so I can find out.
Don't blame Murphy, he was too smart for that. Murphy's law says, "If anything can go wrong, it will".

When in a truly dangerous situation the last thing any sane person would do is to throw his lot in with an invisible friend that has a success rate with miracles of about 0.001%
Yeah, you have to remember...that statement isn't an argument against atheists. It's an argument against foxholes.

And with the exception of on CAP (and trade depending, your Phase 3 and 4), you won't be in a trench (Canadians dig slit trenches, not foxholes...and yes, there is a difference) because we've stopped using them in combat because the CF is too mobile a force to dig in (besides, why dig in when you can hole up in a LAV?)
The more important and relevant Murphy's Law of Combat should be:
- the KISS Principle (Keep It Simply, Stupid!)
- the important things are always simple
- the simple things are always difficult
- a battle plan never survives the first 30 seconds of enemy contact
- never share a foxhole with someone braver than you