Morale Of Marine Corps At An All-Time High Amid Challenges, By Gen. James Conway

Team Infidel

Forum Spin Doctor
The Hill
May 23, 2007 Tribute To Our Troops
By Gen. James Conway
Your Marines recognize that this is an important time in history to serve their country. The Corps has tens of thousands of Marines battling the insurgency in Iraq and many thousands more forward deployed securing our freedom. Our enemy is ruthless and bent on the oppression of liberty and worldwide domination. Marines shoulder their responsibility with bravery and resolve in this time of great national challenge, and we remain committed to fulfilling our Congressionally mandated mission to be the “most ready when the Nation is least ready.”
The Marines of today are magnificent young men and women. The high quality young men and women who undergo the Marine transformation are patriots, and they understand why they serve – well over two thirds of them have enlisted or reenlisted after the 9/11 attacks – knowing that they will be asked to sacrifice much for their Nation. I have seen these young people in combat; their raw courage, their sense of sacrifice, and their teamwork are truly inspirational, and I am proud of their service to our country. It is through their tremendous sacrifices and those of their fellow service men and women that we will ultimately prevail in this Long War.
The morale of Marines is at an all-time high. As I travel to visit Marines here in the States and abroad, I consistently find that the highest morale is in units that are serving in harm’s way, have just returned from combat, or are getting ready to go. They are motivated because they are doing what they signed up for – fighting for their country in an effort to bring peace to the world. These men and women are rightfully proud of their efforts, whether patrolling the streets of an Iraqi village, rescuing noncombatants from Lebanon, or preparing for a future contingency – and I can assure you that they are making a difference every day.
There is another important element of our success as Marines – the tremendous support we receive from our families. As we fight for freedom around the globe, they accept the long hours, the training exercises, and the combat deployments. They dutifully relocate our homes and assume new responsibilities with each new assignment – because in their words, “That’s what we do.” They give us love and compassion, providing us with the strength and encouragement to drive on when duty calls. Our families are critical to our ability to provide for the Nation’s security, and they deserve our undying appreciation.
The generosity and good will that charitable organizations and citizens of this great Nation have shown for our most precious asset – the individual Marine – is truly awe inspiring. Many of these people are partnering with our new Wounded Warrior Regiment so, together, we can maintain our sacred pledge to “truly take care of our own.” This commitment to the welfare of Marines allows those warriors defending the frontiers of freedom to focus on their mission – knowing that their needs and those of their loved ones will be taken care of.
Your Marines believe that through their elected government, the people of the United States are behind them. The tangible evidence of that support is everywhere – the fielding of new materiel, the latest equipment to protect them while in harm’s way, the reset of the force to accomplish follow-on missions throughout the globe, and suitable quality of life programs for our Marines and their families. This faithful support remains critical as we grow the force over the next few years. I believe this conflict is a generational struggle, and the central campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan are the opening battles of this war. Our end strength increase will reduce the strain on the individual Marine and our institution as a whole and allow us to train and sharpen our skills for the next contingency.
Memorial Day is an important opportunity for all of us to honor those who have sacrificed for this country. Their legacy of selfless service and valor on the battlefield is passed to this new generation of America’s warriors – and they pause to reflect on “those who have gone before.” All Marines – veterans of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and countless other fields of fire – stand with me today and salute our fallen heroes of years past.
Conway is the U.S. Marine Corps commandant.