Military haircutting

Welcome. What kind of info are you looking for? Do you want historic type photos or modern? These days it'd be hard to distinguish military from civilian barber shops. Other than the sign on the wall picturing military cuts and the other sign that states front of the line privilege for those in uniform, the NEX (Navy Exchange) shop I get my haircuts at is pretty much the same as any civilian shop.
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well its nice to know military hair cuts are fashionable ! any information and photos would be nice either modern or vintage
well its nice to know military hair cuts are fashionable ! any information and photos would be nice either modern or vintage

Google has this awesome Images feature =)

Like DTop said, I'm not sure there are many "High n tight" only shops, considering many bases host military families as well. Civilian parlors can also give an "in-regs" cut as well.

Oh, and welcome to the forum!
The barber I go to services most of the military in my area. It's a civilian shop but most of the time the patrons are active duty, Reserve military, police officers & firemen. Six bucks for a haircut, seven for a complete head shave.
Welcome. What kind of info are you looking for? Do you want historic type photos or modern? These days it'd be hard to distinguish military from civilian barber shops. Other than the sign on the wall picturing military cuts and the other sign that states front of the line privilege for those in uniform, the NEX (Navy Exchange) shop I get my haircuts at is pretty much the same as any civilian shop.

It would be the camp Barber shop like the West Point USMA....or recruit camp......historical or modern ,,,:army:
The barber I go to services most of the military in my area. It's a civilian shop but most of the time the patrons are active duty, Reserve military, police officers & firemen. Six bucks for a haircut, seven for a complete head shave.

You got it rough. give my neighbor a can of pop, he shaves my head, I finish with shaving gel and a Dollar General .'Fusion'. clone razor.Bandage scissors does ears and eyebrows.