MilCharity: June suggestions


The fire is everything
Staff member
$100 went to Make-a-Wish foundation in May.

Any suggestions for the june donation? (about $100 this time as well)

Suggestions so far:

the American Cancer Society (or international)
We are accepting donations @ my workplace for The American Cancer Society. When we are cashing them out after the service is complete on their vehicle we ask if they would like to make a donation...

I don't know if everyone would agree on the American Cancer Society.

Just an idea...
Sounds like a good cause.

I'll add alll suggestion to my first post now, so it's easier to see what's been suggested.. :)
MunitionsAirman said:
We are accepting donations @ my workplace for The American Cancer Society. When we are cashing them out after the service is complete on their vehicle we ask if they would like to make a donation...

I don't know if everyone would agree on the American Cancer Society.

Just an idea...

I was about to suggest this one. I totally agree. Even children will benefit.
most excellentness! i don't know much about what happened, but anything with soldiers I like, they go through all that stuff for us, and they don't once back down... amazing.

could we one week give to the ACS because we just found out my grandpa has cancer...
Sorry to hear that Crazy.

You can post that as a suggestion to this months MilCharity..