Mexico Dog Sculptures Removed on Protest

Team Infidel

Forum Spin Doctor
Mexico Dog Sculptures Removed on Protest
MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) - Sculptures of Chihuahua dogs wearing traditional outfits were yanked from a stop along Mexico's Copper Canyon railway after protests from Tarahumara indigenous groups that found them offensive, a state official said Thursday. Officials removed the 5-foot-tall fiberglass...
no duh?? I was raised in Chihuahua, and the Tarahumara tribe deserves respect,..this tribe actually decended from the Tigua Tribe (Native Americans) in west texas and new mexico, glad the sculptures were removed :)
People really need to think. "If that was my group portrayed that way, would I like it?" Also "what animal do they find offensive?"
Its not the animal they find offensive, its the the traditional Tarahumara clothes, the Chihuahua dog was dressed in...
Well that's what I mean. The combination makes it offensive.
If you had an eagle dressed in it, I doubt anyone would find offense.
The only diffrence is that the Chihuahua dog, does not represent the T. tribe...believe me i was raised in Chihuahua, and know the T. tribe very well ;)