Metal Gear Solid trailer

No I like the fact that you practically watch half of it and play half of it, it's what makes MGS what it is. MGS 1 and 3 were outstanding. MGS 2 was good until Rayden showed up.
I think 4 will be superb as well. But that's alright if it comes out later. From the trailers I can see they've been improving the graphics and also I can't afford a PS3 anyway.
Yeah, they're good games. But once Raiden showed up in MGS2 it all went downhill. Seriously, I did not need to hear him talking to his computer-simulation girlfriend for 15 minutes.
Not to mention, the code name "Raiden" was so cliche, and that model they used for him was almost the same as the guy from Final Fantasy VIII and a bunch of other 3D game characters from Japan. Not to mention the girly hairdo. And the damn whining. Dude, you are inside a secret government vehicle that could just about change the face of humanity, why don't you walk across the room press that button like you're supposed to instead of badgering your damn girlfriend about your history as some child born and raised in some kind of war. Dammit!