Mesotheloma (asbestos cancer) and Lawsuit ???


The fire is everything
Staff member
I just have a question about Mesothelioma (asbestos cancer) to some of the US members..

I do also visit a couple of other forums (webmaster related), and there has been some talk about Mesotheloma, and that the price for Mesotheloma lawsuit ads has gone trough the roof lately..

Has there been any special incidents regarding Mesothelioma in the US recently??

Haven't heard anything about it...
I cant recall a particular case or incident, but I think the problem stems from alot of Navy personel from WWII-Vietnam developing the problems.
Have there been a sudden uprise of Mesothelioma lawsuits lately then??

I've heard reports of Law Firms and Lawyers paying up to $100 pr CLICK(!!) at the major search engines for cancer lawsuit related search words... :shock:

I just find it a bit strange..
I've heard about keywords like "law" and "lawyer" going up to $40-50 pr click, but $100...???
Someone sure have to make a lot of money on Mesothelioma.. (or loose a lot.. :lol: )
It's really a shame to make such a profit from something as tragic as that, but I guess "everybody's got to make a living..."
(some way or the other..)
Yea, you may be right Redleg. Im not expert, but these lawyers are putting ads in everything, I have seen at least one ad for Mesothelioma in each of my Military Hsitory mags. Unfortunatly thats America, where anyone can get rich by sueing.
Based on clinical research, the following diseases are on VA's Agent Orange list of presumptive disabilities: chloracne, Hodgkin's disease, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, porphyria cutanea tarda, respiratory cancers (lung, bronchus, larynx and trachea), soft-tissue sarcoma, acute and subacute peripheral neuropathy and prostate cancer. A regulation is being developed to add diabetes mellitus.

looks like Agent Orange and cancer is being accepted! Maybee its the Agent orange folks!
Ouch, I don't know half of the medical terms you used there, but they sounded nasty... :?
To tell you the truth, it's not Agent Orange at all. It's fibers in the mills that are killing people.

In Libby, Montana - which is two hours west of Kalispell, they have it. In fact most buildings that have not be fixed, the padding, asbestos. People died from cancer like you said. It's truly tragic.

In Libby most people got it from working at the mill. The worse thing is that the EPA knew that Libby had this problem for 15 years and dropped the ball as they claimed back in 2000.

Yesterday the EPA Director flew in and talked with one man whose wife and children have cancer from this.

A mortality review, which compared death rates for residents of the Libby area with those in Montana and the United States for selected diseases associated with exposure to asbestos (1979–1998). The review found that for the 20-year period examined, mortality from asbestosis was approximately 40 times higher than the rest of Montana and 60 times higher than the rest of the United States.

More Links: - 04 article - W&R Grace

About the lawsuits, W & R Grace, the company in question here just simply walked away and left the employees and their families suffering.
Hm, looks like there will be a lot Mesothelioma lawsuits in the (near) future, judging from the price the lawyers pays for the ads...

Hello, I am new to this forum. I came across your site, while researching multiple myeloma and asbestos.

Asbestos lawsuits aka Mesothelioma are now the fashion of the day. So-called attorneys are not looking at asbestos creating other cancers. Attorneys I have talked to are not to swift to think outside the box let alone walk up to the window.

I had one attorney telling me that multiple myeloma is not in his database of cancers caused by asbestos...Advertising by these attorneys is now become a shop of ladies of the evening if you catch my drift. I seen these ads now posted on shoe sites.

What's next? PORN?:bang: