
Legalize it or not

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therise21 said:
the bottom line is smoking weed isnt going to single handedly ruin your life. everything in moderation. weed effects different people in defferent ways. if you are responsible about it, it is a good way to kick back and have a good time. if you arent, then you can have some serious problems(dui, depression, etc.). this is the same with everything. if you are responsible, go ahead, if not, dont.

Quoted For Truth!
The Cooler King said:
Smoking pot shows what kind of character you really have. You need pot to make you passive and laid back to relax and have fun. If this is the case, that you need a substance to make you laid back, you are indeed a very weak person. You are showing that you have absolutely no intestinal fortitude.
Tell that to the thousands of troops around the world who've smoked weed during wartime throughout the ages.

FutureDevilDog said:
And no, cannabis is not addicting so stop misinforming people.
Well it is somewhat addictive to me. But addiction is a choice, not a disease. Last year I used to smoke up about 5 days a week except during exam time. But I never felt I had any withdrawal symptoms after prolonged periods of time of not smoking it. It's definitely not a drug I want to give up entirely like cocaine. Well I never really started cocaine. I tried it a few times and decided it's lame and makes your nose bloody.

Anyway: Bottom line : YOU choose what substances enter your body and which don't, not the government.
Kina said:
well i'm i couldn't decide what to pick......but i just decided the second one because i don't do it. so yeah, lol
If you decide not to do it, that's cool, but why do you want to decide for other people too (as your vote seems to indicate).
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Jaz-do said:
Quitting shows what you really care about and what you will do to get the things in life that are important on the table and dealt with. Addiction comes in many forms . And none are good.

You know Jaz, I was playing advocate of the Devil here and I reckon that you are right on more then one occasion. But my reason for doing so is that you have only two options: a) you never use b) you are an addict. I am neither....
The times that I smoked some were in situation that were premeditated. I was off from work, had the next day off, took public transportation and was with good company. It was fun and nothing happened! You can smoke some, once in a while, but like with so many thing in life; take it easy and don't over do it...

p.s. Sorry about the remark about your age, but the list sounded so gullible. It has been done to me too and I found it very condescending, so I apologize for that!
Redleg said:
They (someone in the US) had tested it on pilots ( :shock: ) some years ago, and put them in a simulator.

Military forces all over the world (spes US) have been used as test-subjects for all kind of drugs during the last century (at least) The internet is overflowing with documentary films (beware of the false ones) wich shows the effect. Watch some of this films, and this poll concludes itself....

Lets fight "the war on drugs" with napalm! :visor:
I chose to legalize it.

I don't smoke it, and my one try many years ago resulted in a whole lot of nothing. I prefer alcohol for my sense-altering drug.

Anyhow, my thinking behind legalizing marijauna (and many other drugs) is tied into a few other ideas for a better way of running the US. This means that all of my thoughts need each other to be implemented.

Legalizing drugs means that the government can tax them.

Legalizing drugs means that the government would be able to regulate them; no more mixing drugs with instantly-fatal ingredients.

Legalizing drugs would greatly hamper the ability (and reasons) of gangs to afford and commit violence on one another and strangers. Drugs make money; those selling it can afford all sorts of illegal firearms; mixing firearms with a desire to make money at any cost (such as by selling illegal substances that are proven to destroy lives) leads to violent takeovers between gangs.

Tie legalized drugs to a government-sponsored health system (get rid of most private health care operators and put HUGE caps on malpractice suits) and make it known that anyone coming in for medical treatment gets automatically tested. Those found with drugs in system do NOT get the treatment they need. After all, why should the government care about you if you don't care about you. The only exception would be children under the age of 16 - they may not truly grasp how bad off they are being addicted to something. All other life-saving treatments and hospital stays are free (in contrast to cosmetic surgery, which is pay as you go).

Gangs won't go away, but without their major source of funding, they would be greatly hampered in ability to operate. Without the lucrative profits that illegal drugs provide the pushers, the pushers and their growers (like the opium fields throughout Asia and the coca fields throughout South America) would have to find some other means to make money. They eventually would, but it wouldn't be via drugs.

Legalized drugs would be tied into a mandatory birth control program; one of the requirements to have children is to NOT be addicted to something, illegal, or not.

My world is a bit draconian in nature, but also surprisingly free in other aspects.

One can dream...
To bad all your arguments don't explain why religious extremists who are completely against drug use act the very same way you say you will act if you light up...

Brainwash on, we made this all up anyways ;)
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There are a loose knit group of dope smokers in the Australian sea going industry, it is not hard to pick them out.

The one major thing that I noticed during my 26 years was that almost without exception, the dope smokers were basically lazy bastards. The heavier the use, the lazier and more devious was the person. They also tended to be somewhat neurotic when the whoopie weed ran out at sea and there was no chance of getting any more.

So what is it,.... are lazy, conniving persons attracted to this form of escape from reality, or does drug use cause them to become that way.
I don't believe in drugs like that full stop. And I think that if they are caught, a one way trip to never never land should be booked.
I think cannabis should've been legal from the get-go. The main reason it was banned was because DuPont was afraid of losing money to hemp. It was branded marijuana because of the prevalent racism against Mexicans back then, using a Spanish word would help gain support for a ban.

Also, the negative effects you list are WAY exaggerated. I've been around people smoking for a long time, and they have never had any of the problems you describe (especially not the 25 feet off the runway problem). Also, when taken with a vaporizer the negative effects to the lungs are all but eliminated. Alochol and tobacco are more damaging to your health. Alcohol MOST DEFINITELY makes you far more dangerous to those around you than weed. With weed, you might feel compelled to eat some food and chill on the couch (which is a bad thing without moderation), but alcohol makes one more aggressive and overconfident, and impairs your motor skills far more than cannabis can. Oh yeah, and it's virtually impossible to OD on weed, whereas you can easily get alcohol poisoning and resulting liver failure when you drink too much.

I know lots of people who are in college and on their way to productive lives who smoke pot regularly. The only drugs I have ever seen screw up people's lives are prescriptions, coke, and alcohol. One kid I know almost died because he passed out on pills in a parking lot with his car on and the windows up. My grandfather and uncle both had problems with alcoholism, that they were only able to overcome over a couple of decades. Coke, well, everyone knows what coke can do to a normal person.
I'm here to tell you that smokin the reefer does impair your ability to operate vehicles and impairs your fine motor skills there Cheech.
Well when I work as an ambo, I by passed drug users. Smoking pot or shotting up you are too much of a risk. And total waste of space.
Smoking weed led my sister down a path seeking bigger and better highs and eventually her death. No one ever tried heroin because Pabst Blue Ribbon or Johnny Walker wasn't doing it for them anymore.
I'm very sorry to hear that bulldogg, weed can certainly lead one down that self-destructive path without moderation. But all drugs are lethal without moderation. That's the key word here. Drink too much alcohol and your liver goes, smoke too much pot and you develop a resistance, which can lead to hard drug use. I've seen some people get a resistance where it would take them 3-4 times the normal amount of weed to get them high.

Also, I was not disputing the fact that cannabis impairs motor control. It is far less impairing than alcohol, though. Driving or operating other potentially dangerous machinery while under the influence of any psychoactive drug is a very, very bad thing. Unfortunately, not everyone is responsible enough with their own lives and the lives of others to understand this.
^^^ I'll drink to that^^^
Aye mate.

@ Bulldog I am sorry you had that happen to your family mate.

@major liability Drinking yes causes health issues with out a doublt.
But its legal.

The damage Weed causes in soicety is beyond the individaul. Justifty its use is reckless and stupid.

There are medical benefits, but we are not debating the chemical make up of the drug.

Just its misuse. Supporting any form of Illegal activity is wrong regardless of which form it takes.

We have laws for a reason, to protect the greater good, anything less is fool hardy to go against.

Too much blood is been spilt to maintain the freedoms we have, and going against the country is like spitting in the face of all thats served past present and future.

Its not just a drug its a matter of principal and morales.

Rant over.