marijuana, u tried it before?

Couple of buddies smoke their brains away. I never needed that stuff, actually.
I can hang out with friends and they smoke and stuff, but as long as they know I don't and respect me, that's fine with me and we can get on pretty well.
I wouldn't mind doing it if it ever appealed to me. I think it's more a matter of how often you do that, though. Just like alcohol.
I know people say that it doesn't have an effect on them now but they're young....takes awhile for the effect to set in... :?

But that's just my opinion anyways, I'm not telling anyone not to do it, it's just that I think it's healthier NOT to do it ;)

ok lets be fair......."pot operation"..........just say "dealer", why the glorified names lol

Yes I have smoked pot/skunk/coke/speed when I was younger.

Been there done it and brought the baggy T-Shirt.

Never again will I.
Sometimes it makes me mad how people who do it kind of flaunt it, like they think they're the "bad kids" or the "cool kids" and that the rest of us are just to afraid to do it or something, lol. I don't mean offence to anyone, it's just that a lot of people that I know who do it act that way...
OCDTSmith said:
Thanks, lol. Here's a site I found relating to this topic....

Wow, how about some scientific data, even though I don't use weed atleast I have the decency to check out some real data.

Go to or better yet click on Marijuana Myths. Ones such as Marijuana Causes Brain Damage, Marijuana Damages The Reproductive System, Marijuana Is A "Gateway" Drug It Leads To Hard Drugs, Marijuana Suppresses The Immune System, Marijuana Is Much More Dangerous Than Tobacco, Legal Marijuana Would Cause Carnage On The Highways, Marijuana "Flattens" Human Brainwaves, Marijuana Is More Potent Today Than In The Past, Marijuana Impairs Short Term Memory, and Marijuana Lingers In The Body Like DDT.

Also no one has ever died from smoking marijuana.... the ratio of the amount of cannabinoids necessary to get a person intoxicated (i.e., stoned) relative to the amount necessary to kill them is 1 to 40,000. In other words, to overdose, you would have to consume 40,000 times as much marijuana as you needed to get stoned.
Well, the website does have some facts, there's a bar on the side where you pick a drug, marijuana or whatever, and it gives you a bunch of facts on it.....I would have picked a better one but I didn't have the time to do so so thanks for posting yours
AA said:
theory of drugs:

Drugs + Person + money --> profits+ Rotting Brain + early Death

Read the website aformentioned.....
Plus we are talkin about weed here not heroin.
who said weed cannot make ur brain rotten..

weed gives u pleasure by stimulating ur nerve and doing other shit....bad chemicals
Sexybeast said: is a language expression to say that brain gets slower, and this person gets dumber

I meant what form of rotten, as in what medical condition? Either way
"1. Marijuana Causes Brain Damage
The most celebrated study that claims to show brain damage is the rhesus monkey study of Dr. Robert Heath, done in the late 1970s.

This study was reviewed by a distinguished panel of scientists sponsored by the Institute of Medicine and the National Academy of Sciences.

Their results were published under the title, Marijuana and Health in 1982.

Heath's work was sharply criticized for its insufficient sample size (only four monkeys), its failure to control experimental bias, and the misidentification of normal monkey brain structure as "damaged".

Actual studies of human populations of marijuana users have shown no evidence of brain damage.

For example, two studies from 1977, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed no evidence of brain damage in heavy users of marijuana.

That same year, the American Medical Association (AMA) officially came out in favor of decriminalizing marijuana. That's not the sort of thing you'd expect if the AMA thought marijuana damaged the brain."


"7. Marijuana "Flattens" Human Brainwaves
This is an out-and-out lie perpetrated by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.

A few years ago, they ran a TV ad that purported to show, first, a normal human brainwave, and second, a flat brainwave from a 14-year-old "on marijuana".

When researchers called up the TV networks to complain about this commercial, the Partnership had to pull it from the air.

It seems that the Partnership faked the flat "marijuana brainwave".

In reality, marijuana has the effect of slightly INCREASING alpha wave activity. Alpha waves are associated with meditative and relaxed states which are, in turn, often associated with human creativity."
Sexybeast said:
so r u saying weed does no damage to its users?

No, that was written by with sources cited. My personal opinion is that weed does damage the user but in no worse way tobacco does. I don't think that weed is as damaging as everyone tries to hype it up to be. I've never seen or heard of anyone becoming a "vegetable" from weed. Usually it is because of harder drugs. Also I don't believe that weed leads to those harder drugs.

"3. Marijuana Is A "Gateway" Drug It Leads To Hard Drugs
This is one of the more persistent myths. A real world example of what happens when marijuana is readily available can be found in Holland.

The Dutch partially legalized marijuana in the 1970s. Since then, hard drug use, heroin and cocaine, have DECLINED substantially.

If marijuana really were a gateway drug, one would have expected use of hard drugs to have gone up, not down.

This apparent "negative gateway" effect has also been observed in the United States.

Studies done in the early 1970s showed a negative correlation between use of marijuana and use of alcohol.

A 1993 Rand Corporation study that compared drug use in states that had decriminalized marijuana versus those that had not, found that where marijuana was more available, the states that had decriminalized, hard drug abuse as measured by emergency room episodes decreased.

In short, what science and actual experience tell us is that marijuana tends to substitute for the much more dangerous hard drugs like alcohol, cocaine, and heroin."
uhh dude, tobacoo gives ur body tar, stsiumlants, nicotine, which is basically like eating candy that is addictive, gives you extra energy, and calms the mind

pot does soemthing to the nervous system that effects u and you get ver yhungry, red eye , and other stuff, it has direct effects that involves your nervious system, which results in BRAIN DAMAGE

over time if u smoke it daily then by the time ur 50 ur as smart as a monkey

a guy i knew was getting straight As till he did pot, he did study hard but his brain just went down and his intelligence was pretty low, u can say he was a dumbass because of that