A Makeover for Islam

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One thing that I'd personally love to see is the Muslim world take a drastic move towards building a kinder, friendlier Islam. I think most of us know that Muslims are very good people. Their religion tends to catch a bad rap because of the tiny tiny fraction that are extremist nutjobs.

So the question is this: If you were an influential person in the world of Islam, what could/would you do to improve the International Image of Islam?? How would you make the changes work without "betraying the faith", etc.
Seek out all terrorist and have a uprising against them. Make them look like demons and non islam believers.
Those two last sugestions aren't as easy as you think.

By doing that, they could argue that you are going against the fundamental precepts of the Kohran, and they could brand YOU as the heretic.

Personaly, if I could do anything, I would get rid of Al Jezeera, it's nothing but a propaganda machine. But that's not going to happen.
The "how and why" of things is a large part of what I have in mind. Just interested in how people here would go about improving Islam's image. Obviously, nothing of that sort is easily accomplished especially with the world of Islam as it stands today. Nothing worthwhile is easy. Lets not forget that the Muslim people of the world are mostly very good and decent people. That's a foundation that can be built upon I should think.
tiny tiny fraction that are extremist nutjobs

with 1 billion people, even a tiny franction = alot of people
and with many many supporters and sympathizers who are just as bad.

think of it this way, you may not support some of americas actions but you would still fight for america.
well they may not support the terrorists actions, but when US and other democracies try to destroy these terrorists and topple mid east regimes, for them its an attack on islam and any so called "moderate" can become an exremist.

if i was influencial, i would keep my mouth shut. why would i risk my life.
anyone who has wanted democracy for islam or make peace with israel has been assasinated and anyone who has shown the truth about how muslims persecute women has had a fatwah on them... why would i want to join them if i was influencial. i would just do what every other influencial muslim does and buy a villa in france.

how to improve image of islam? admit that islam has no place in israel as the koran never states the word jerusalem or palestinian.
topple every dictatorship and theocracy and indtroduce some form of democracy. get rid of religeon out of politics. stop building weapons stockpiles. stop abusing UN for own agenda. stop expanding. start assimilating with other cultures etc.
What I'm saying is that you are immortal (so they CAN'T kill you) and you are the #1 most important person in the world of Islam. What would you do or try to do to make Islam:
1.) More friendly to the rest of the world.
2.) More relevant and beneficial to the World Community.

I'm trying to be insufferably optimistic ano see ways that Islam could be improved.
if any change is going to happen it will have to be of thier own doing. im sure there are a lot of things people wish others would change. the world will never be perfect, so instead of pointing out each others faults, prehaps tolerance and understanding should be taught more
Why do u care?They are not coming after everyone.Islam does not preach Violence but IMO that their Holy Book Quran is misinterpreted to a great extent,and maybe for their own convenience.The Life goal of the Jehadi's is to Destroy All opposers of Islam.What can u do against such hate?
kotakk said:
Why do u care?They are not coming after everyone.Islam does not preach Violence but IMO that their Holy Book Quran is misinterpreted to a great extent,and maybe for their own convenience.The Life goal of the Jehadi's is to Destroy All opposers of Islam.What can u do against such hate?
I care because they have potential to be more beneficial to the world than they are. Just because Christianity of 1000 AD taught its adherents to convert or destroy all unbelievers doesn't mean Christendom couldn't get over it. By and large, Christianity has. Islam can too, they just need to have a reason and catalist to change.
What I was actually trying to say that if more moderate people were
allowed to influence policies and if the funding was stopped then this movement will stop n it's tracks.Frankly most of the people are to absorbed in their daily lives to worry about al this hate and hostility,it is only a political ploy to snag more votes,maybe?Just a thought.
godofthunder9010 said:
What I'm saying is that you are immortal (so they CAN'T kill you) and you are the #1 most important person in the world of Islam. What would you do or try to do to make Islam:
1.) More friendly to the rest of the world.
2.) More relevant and beneficial to the World Community.

I'm trying to be insufferably optimistic ano see ways that Islam could be improved.

Since you put it that way...

1st, I would allow equal rights for women.

2nd, I would disown all the extremist.

3rd, I would not hold anyone liable for eating pork. After all eating bacon makes people happy. The happier u are, the less likely you will strap a bomb to yourself, yell krazee stuff, and kill someone. Beside the importing of bacon will help the economy of the West especially Canada, therefore improving relations. :)

Seriously, recognizing Israel's right to exist and making peace with her would be a good first step.
gladius said:
3rd, I would not hold anyone liable for eating pork. After all eating bacon makes people happy. The happier u are, the less likely you will strap a bomb to yourself, yell krazee stuff, and kill someone. Beside the importing of bacon will help the economy of the West especially Canada, therefore improving relations. :)
I think I'd try to make the distiction VERY CLEAR -- suicide bombing murderers are gonna suffer in hell a lot longer and a lot worse them that ate a slice of bacon.
godofthunder, as long as self appointed leaders and clerics spew out anti american and anti israeli trash in arab media (not english), mosques and madrassas then nothing can be done.

imo the only thing that can help is time... it took thousands of years, countless crusades, massacres and a holocaust for the west to become democratic. so expect the same for islam.
It would be nice to see Islam wake up to the fact that their hurting themselves more than anyone with else. Its bizarre really: Just about everyone can see it but them.
It is inappropriate to judge upon another religion and believing that Islam needs a "Make-over". Inappropriate to whom? To every Muslim in this world.
I'm mainly talking about the nations of the world that are predominantly Muslim. Also, I'm not making any statement about how Muslims are or are not. I'm seeing room to improve the way in which the World views them. They are better people than they are often perceived as, after all.
To me, any religion that doesn't threaten others with bodily harm or refuse to accept that someone else's religion is just as important to them as Islam is to Muslims, I'm okay with it. There are certain societal taboos that are important to everyone. Cannibalism is one, human sacrifices is another good example. While I abhor the practice of whipping and raping Women for any reason, much less because the mesh on their veil is too transparent, these are things which will have to start in Muslim schools and with more tolerant Mullahs. I'm not accusing the Muslim faith of the mantioned taboos, they are merely examples that the world cannot allow some destructive practices.
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