maaaaaan, as 30JUN gets closer..


Active member
I'm gettin more and more nervous.. :shock:
30JUN I start airborne school...come Jump week, I am POSITIVE I'll jump...but still..there's that little nagging doubt...i know I konw, shut up and jump..haha
Any words of encouragement? My buddies who've been through it all told me one thing: FEET AND KNEES TOGETHER.
:lol: And here I was thinking you were talking about the 30JUN handover.

One word of advice, if your face is closer to the ground than your feet, you are WRONG.

;) :lol:
Dont worry about going out the door...the jump master will see you through...him and his friend, Mr. broggan.

relax...have fun...and remember its one first sgt...two first sgt... three first sgt...
Redneck said:
One word of advice, if your face is closer to the ground than your feet, you are WRONG.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: oh man that's got me in tears :lol: :lol:
Mark Conley said:
Dont worry about going out the door...the jump master will see you through...him and his friend, Mr. broggan.

relax...have fun...and remember its one first sgt...two first sgt... three first sgt...

Oh I have no worries about jumpin, that's the fun's just that thought...
"4 one thousand.." *look up...nothing* "crap...." *pulls reserve, dirty laundry falls out* "craaaaaap..."
Blue Skies! :D

You really have something to look forward to now!
Boy do I miss having 200km/h wind in my face... :lol:

Here's something to calm you down a bit.. ;)

And here's some photos from a very "special" jump.
We used our (the Army) Black dress uniforms, and tried to do a formation jump with 10 divers (norwegian record in that uniform.. :))

You can see for yourself how it went.... :lol:

We did however break one record, one guy was the first in Norway (the world??) to pull his reserve in a Black Dress uniform.. :lol:

Redneck said:
One word of advice, if your face is closer to the ground than your feet, you are WRONG.
Not for free-fall jumps, but if it's a static one then it's a whole different story.. ;) :lol:
at myfirst jump it was like this....
"hopp..1000....arglll :shock: ...........*felt the chute opening*....looked up..puh...thank you god...."

and yes...knees and legs together....that is the most important thing...

and dont put them together when you think i will the next 3 seconds...but if you think you have 20 meters to go....

once in winter i landed in a completey plane field with untouched snow on it.
i wasnt able to estimate my altitude until i hit the ground...
Not to worry,a military shoot opens (1:100000000000 that it wont open)every time,so dont worry about dirty loundry,or silver forks and knives and spons........... :lol: