looking for IDF M-113 ambulance photo's

jan-willem Fischer

Active member
Hi guys'
I'm looking for some photos of IDF M-113 ambulance (interior and extirior) for another model I want to build. It's hard to find photos of this subject so I was hooping that somone here could help me out, as you did before.

Thanks for any iformation you can give me.

That might be hard seing how there is soooooooo many variants on the M113, in fact it is the worlds best APC as stated by the Military Channel....

I'll see what I can dig up for ya ;)

Here is some Israeli M113s

Some more (no ambulance)

The Israelis apprently call the M113 a Zelda and more particularly they call the Ambulance category AMEV

Here is a FAS on the M113 Zelda AMEV

M113 Wikipedia

Hope that helps....good luck
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It is by far the most common western APC, but surely not the best....Frankly its hated by IDF troops and is not replaced only due to financial problems.
Nice to hear from you sherman! How many countires use the M113? Just have a really faint recall of a Indonesian M113, or did I mix that up with some other country?
Nice to hear from you sherman! How many countires use the M113? Just have a really faint recall of a Indonesian M113, or did I mix that up with some other country?

We've still got the old buckets. Although they've all been recalled and are being re-engineered by ADI. They're getting stretched, they are getting up armoured, night vision capable, etc etc etc. They only want them as a stop gap measure till 2010 when they'll be totally replaced.