Little Green Men?!


Forum Health Inspector
MY HUSBAND'S Marine platoon at Quantico, Va., was called out to exercise in a muddy field. When the men returned, they were told there would be an inspection the next morning. Everyone stayed up late cleaning and polishing, except for a few who were dropping out of the officer candidate school in a few days. As the inspecting platoon commander worked his way along the lines next morning, all eyes surreptitiously turned to one of the dropouts. The lieutenant looked down the filthy barrel of the man's rifle. "Candidate!" he screamed. "This rifle is so disgusting I can see little green men inside it! What do you intend to do about it?" The Marine calmly peered down the barrel of his rifle. "Little green men," he ordered, "FALL OUT!"

--Contributed to "Humor In Uniform" by Cynthia Stanton Richards

Provided Courtesy of Reader's Digest.