The Lieutenant


Active member
A LT was walking home from work one day, when he noticed a little boy sitting on the sidewalk.
The little boy was playing with a pile of shit. Curious, the LT walked over to the little boy and asked him "Why are you playing with a pile of shit?" The little boy replied "I'm building an NCO". The LT, amused by this, ran back to the company to get his OC. Upon returning to the little boy, who was still playing with the pile of shit, the OC asked "Son, what are you doing?" The little boy looked up at him and said " I'm building an NCO". The OC being equally amused insisted that they return and get the CSM. When the three returned the little boy, still playing with his pile of shit, was asked by the CSM "Son, what are you doing?" The little boy again replied "I'm building and NCO". "Why are you building an NCO?" asked the CSM. The little boy paused and responded "Because I don't have enough shit to build an officer"