Katrina Joke

One day there was a couple whose house started flooding and as the water flooded the first floor of the three story house, an inflatable boat came by.."Hey, you guys need help?!" To which the couple replied,"no, we are going to put our faith in the Lord." "Ok then,"said the man in the boat.And drove off..Then the water rose to the second story and a man in an airboat came by."Hey, you guys need help?!" To which the couple replied,"no, we are going to put our faith in the Lord." "Ok then,"said the man in the boat.And drove off..The water rose to the attic and they chopped a hole through the roof.Then a helicopter came by and hollered down,"Hey! You guys need any help?!" To which the couple replied,"No we put our faith in the Lord." The couple gets washed away and drowns..At the pearly gates, the man says to God," Lord, what happened? We put our faith in You and You let us drown..."

To which God replies," Well, I sent an inflatable boat, an air boat, and a helecopter to you...What else do you expect?"