Justice for Sale?


Active member
I heard a news article, on PBS, that many justices are having to run high powered campaigns to get themselves elected, which is also requiring more money. This makes them vulnerable to campaign donor influence, doesn't this worry anyone?

I haven't tracked down the precise article yet, but here is a link to PBS, which is pretty scary, not so much checks & balances as checks & cheques.

I'm against elected Justices and Sheriffs myself as it involoved getting elected Judaical officials get involved in the sleazy world of politics. They positions should be by appointment only.
No, I mean the fact that every time anyone wants to get elected, they need to be bought by some very rich and powerful folks first.
so what is the solution? Obviously there is a reason why these posts are elected - but is it still valid, or is just because this is the way it has always been done?

Please help me here, I'm trying to understand, but can't seem to get a straight answer from my friends, then again beer could be an influencing factor in this...
So what is the solution, limit the amount that can be spent on campaigns, change the constitution or leave things as they are. I find it quite scary that the judiciary can find themselves beholden to special interest groups, but then where politicians lead we will follow?
Six of one half dozen of the other really. Appointees are going to be appointed as to how well they support the appointers view.

At least the people get to elect the crooks now, AND VOTE THEM OUT.

With an appointee system they might lose any voice the have Ref: Supreme Court (State and Federal) and the State Appeals Courts, and the whole Federal Court Systems.

With the appointee especially lifetime appointments the appointee has no worry about pissing off the people he's set.

BTW: I wouldn't want my governor appointing as much as a dog catcher.
Good point, had to chuckle about the dog catcher quip, seems that politicians are the same across the world. The only difference is that they shovel more the higher they get.