Just Saw Adam Sandler's "The Longest Yard"


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Some critics gave it a C+ or less.

What the hell? I never saw the original so I can't compare, but I thought the movie was great. Very funny with lots of one liners. I will be buying it.
if you liked it check out "Mean Machine" buy Guy Ritchie, its another redo of "the Longest yard" its awesome funny, its well worth a look
it depends on what kind of funny the movie is. is it a comedy of one liners like napoleon dynamite? if so then its wont be as good as the comedy stylings of, say, Friends or Seinfeld. btw i think napoleon dynamite was a horrible movie.
I never saw napoleon dynamite so I can't compare it.

The comedy isn't only based on one liners.

Lots of funny moments and interaction between the characters.