Judge Dread


Milforum's Bouncer
Judge Mike Cicconett actually dishes out punishment that matches the crimes stupid people commit:

A man who called a police officer a pig was sentenced to spend two hours standing in a pen with a hog in central Painesville with a sign saying: “This is not a police officer”

An 18-year-old who stole pornographic videos was ordered by Judge Cicconetti to sit outside the shop wearing a blindfold and a sign saying “See no evil”

A woman who dumped 35 kittens in the woods was told to spend the night in the same place in freezing conditions

Two teenagers who defaced a nativity statue of Jesus with the number 666 had to lead a donkey through the streets wearing a sign saying “Sorry for the jackass offence”

A man caught with a loaded gun was sent to the mortuary to view dead bodies

A couple caught having sex on the beach of Lake Erie were told to apologise in local newspapers
