Joining the Marines?

What does Marine Infantry do?

Marines assigned to Rifle and Weapons companies have a pretty dull life in garrison. You clean weapons, do working parties,stand guard duty, stand inspections,and sit thru EST classes.
But not to worry you won't spend much time in garrison you'll be a field rat. If your not deployed on float or outside CONUS.
I enjoyed every minute I was in, the sacrifice I meant was you have to want it. I wanted to be a Marine more than anything, put your mind and body into it and you will enjoy every second, ***** and whine and you will be miserable. I also can say I hated garrison big time. 0331 :rambo:
Sooners1 said:
I enjoyed every minute I was in, the sacrifice I meant was you have to want it. I wanted to be a Marine more than anything, put your mind and body into it and you will enjoy every second, b**ch and whine and you will be miserable. I also can say I hated garrison big time. 0331 :rambo:

You didn't like to make white rocks, check GP tents, or mess duty? Garrison was the worst, monotonous floats with the only excitement blowing up 55 gal drums over the fan tail, that was just as bad...
Some of you enlisted guys will probably agree with me here and I know this goes without saying but I've met people who thought it was going to be a picnic. This isnt going to be like a movie where you buzz through the ranks and lighting quick pace and become a hero overnight. This is real life where your life is in danger every time you are in the field(if you are the field) and somtimes even not in battle so dont appraoch this like a game. Dont do somthing stupid thinking there is gonna be a reset button. Just keep that in mind before you make a decition.
This is very true. I saw a few guys come in and think that it was a country club and that they only had to work from 9-5 and do whatever. It is a job, but not a civilian job, this is the Marines folks. You will be in harms way at some point, it will be how you handle it, that will prove what kinda Marine you will be or want to be.
Listen to the nice 0331 boys and girls. The Corps especially the combat arms (Infantry Artillery, Tanks, Tracs, and Combat Engineers) is not workin at mickey d's.
You will go days without free time,You will work holidays maybe far from home in a hostile enviroment.
You won't get leave when you want it.

But if you choose Infantry you will take just as much pride in being called Grunt as you do Marine. You will learn to love cammie stick,and the smell of CLP.

It ain't for everybody. But for those of us that chose it few of us will ever regret it.
03USMC said:
Listen to the nice 0331 boys and girls. The Corps especially the combat arms (Infantry Artillery, Tanks, Tracs, and Combat Engineers) is not workin at mickey d's.
You will go days without free time,You will work holidays maybe far from home in a hostile enviroment.
You won't get leave when you want it.

But if you choose Infantry you will take just as much pride in being called Grunt as you do Marine. You will learn to love cammie stick,and the smell of CLP.

It ain't for everybody. But for those of us that chose it few of us will ever regret it.

You forgot the bug juice!!!

I always liked the smell of the bug juice I mixed with the cammie stick to make the ancient things pliable, stole some of those nice "makeup" kits from some rangers that I worked with in Korea, now that stuff was nice.
Yep your right bug juice. :lol: And cordite. And if yer stationed at Pendelton the smell of licorce root. :lol:
Bug Juice is the 03 (Marine Infantry) term for insect repellant. Usually used to soften Camoflage face paint (known as cammie stick) for application. Without bug juice and zippo lighters it would be nearly impossible to apply cammie stick.

This Bug Juice however should never be confused with the chow hall variety which is a Kool-aide type beverage.
thanks man cause Ive heard about bug Juice(the kool aid dink i think) at camps and whatnot. Also I remember it from Family Guy

Peter: Hey what do you think they put in the Bug Juice
Brian: Bugs
Peter: Shut up!No way!Come on! Really?
03USMC said:
This Bug Juice however should never be confused with the chow hall variety which is a Kool-aide type beverage.

I don't know, after having stick on yer face all day, I could not tell the difference between the kool-aide and the true bug juice.

How about the stumps and the sand.....
When you guys joined, now this is more bad luck than standard operating procedure, were there any guys that liked to pick fights with other cadets. Also can officers strike you for any reason?I know these questions dont sound very tough but i want to know.
Stafford911 said:
When you guys joined, now this is more bad luck than standard operating procedure, were there any guys that liked to pick fights with other cadets. Also can officers strike you for any reason?I know these questions dont sound very tough but i want to know.

Didn't have "cadets", only recruits or privates....fights were few and far inbetween in my platoon, we worked together well and took care of the issues in the platoon before it became personal between recruits. I guess the trashing (exercising until you drop) that we received after the first fight taught us that if two boneheads wanted to fight, we were all going to get punished, so we took care of it. And officers and NCOs are not allowed to hit you anymore....
What Hulk said on the abuse thing.

AHHHHH lovely 29 Stumps. I used to love it on CAX when you had to sit around Camp Wilson in GP tents for week while you were doin sand tables and mock ups. With the odd 2 or 3 hours of squad tactics and fire team tactics thrown in (always during the hottest part of day.)
The Sand was the worst. It never failed every time I opened an MRE A 53 would bring in a water and chow resupply and shoot my chow full of sand.
They are not allowed to hit anymore, sometimes with some of the yellin and games they play you might wish that they could hit you just to get it over with. In every rule book and the UCMJ they can not hit you.. But The Corps is not a game, I want you all to know that it is goin to be hard. There may be times that you will question your choice but in the end it will be the best choice. Don't stray from your ultimate goal and that is to be able to stand and say, " I am a United States Marine! " Not everyone is born to be a Marine, that is why it is " The Few, The Proud The Marines."Once you set your mind on it, you will get through it. You have to have a strong mind as well as the physical.
Sooner / 03,

Do you remember "riding the motorcycle" in boot? That was one of my DI's favorite punishments.....

Sooner is right, it is not a game and there are times that you will hate your choice while in boot. All I can say, is go into boot in the best shape of your life and then you only have to get through the headgames. I went in right after the AAU swimming season, so I went in with the ability to pass a PFT in the 290 range, all I had to worry about was the headgames and humping mount MF.

Semper Fi.
Hulk do mean legs bent, back straight, arms extended with your weapon held palms down/? If so yes it's one of my fondest MCRD memories. Ranks right up there with Island Hopping Campaigns on Saturday Mornings after chow. Ah the memories.

"Bends and Thrusts forever dirtbags"
You nailed it right on the head.....

How about midnight COD? Put the mattresses over the windows, drill until you get it right or ride the motorcycle for the next hour....