Jarhead - The Movie

I found the movie annoying and pathetic. So much so, you're fat fetched to even consider calling it a war movie. Perhaps it looks into a soldier's life, but it has nothing to do with war.

The movie was based on masturbation and wondering around in the desert. I guess they chose to do a movie in the desert so they could use one set and say they were lost...

The masturbation was unnecessary, disgusting, and pointless. It's making me wonder whether Brokeback Moutain was done before or after this...
well, the book was largely about masturbation and pure bull, so...

what IDIOT plays football in MOPP suits? This guy must have been smoking something.
ummm , it was a probable complete fabrication. You don't play FOOTBALL in the DESERT in )(*@#&$)*&@#^%&*)^#(*& MOPP SUITS.
"Glory" took pains to be accurate.

Wife rented "Jarhead" for me through NetFlix. Supposed to arrive this weekend. Can't say I'm all that interested, but she thought she was doing something nice for me.
zander_0633 said:
Well, but there is always the part that is in the movie we did not say!

It was like watching Brokeback Marines, what else needs to be said?