Japan prepares to defend against Chinese attacks

Interesting article indeed.

IMO it is a bit overreacting by Japan to prepare for an attack by China, North Korea pose a larger threat to the region than China at the moment.

It said the possibility exists for an attack by North Korea, while there is a "small" possibility of a Chinese attack and an "extremely small" possibility of an attack by Russia.
The last paragraph was interesting in that in their plans it says that all of these attacks from different fronts, ie Russia, North Korea and China could happen simultaneously.
We have too little ammo to fight.
In cold war,Fear 3.
It means
"Air force will lose in three hours."
"NAVY will lose in three days"
"ARMY will lose in three weaks."
China is rapidly raising military expense recently.
"Run away! Run away!"
"Okay how many did we lose... Gawain, Lancelot and Neville... five."
"No that's three sir, three."

Damn killer rabbit.
Always a grim reminder when you see something like this. Funny how they threw Russia in there, though. They're farthest in my mind when it comes to a Japanese war.