Israeli bla-bla-bla......on the Freedom Flotilla

..and, they are preparing the world for another massacre, but this time they cannot even fool themselves anylonger, nobody believes them anymore (highlights by me):

Security officials initially told the cabinet that Israel had no information that anyone linked to a terror group was planning to take part in the flotilla, the Haaretz newspaper reported on Monday.

But by nightfall, the assessment had changed dramatically, with a military spokeswoman telling reporters they had information about "radical elements" who were planning to murder Israeli soldiers.

"There are radical elements on board the American boat who have said they want to kill Israeli soldiers," said Lieutenant Colonel Avital Leibovitz.

"We also know that one of the boats is carrying dangerous incendiary chemicals that these human rights militants want to use against Israeli soldiers," she said.

Same story as always, international law has only to be abided to by other nations, not by Israel (according to their view on things). Gets boring: What right do they have to mess with strictly humanitarian help for the civilians in Gaza?

Seno has it right with his remark about WP. You might prolong the list with lots of more stuff, all well documented: Using civilians as human shields when entering houses is just the most repugnant of them, there were plenty others.

On the long run they will dig their own grave politically, people are becoming used to show their indignation all over the world by now (we here in Spain are the best example ) and it looks we, the people, will not much longer tolerate being led around by a ring in the nose by a band of totally corrupted state terrorists.

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Ok well I guess one of us will have to try a counter argument (we can't get any discussions going when we all agree).

The problem here is that Israel is right, this flotilla is little more than a provocation if they really were just about delivering aid there are multiple channels open to them including Egypt.

That being said I think there is also a valid argument that sometimes you have to be provocative in order to keep the worlds attention on something that they see is wrong and lets face it they know what Israel's response will be just another heavy handed bash-fest that will make the worlds media.

What we have are two intransigent parties who are determined to inflict their will on the other and in the end neither will win.
---snip--- What we have are two intransigent parties who are determined to inflict their will on the other and in the end neither will win.

That welll may be true, however, it has been amply demonstrated that the embargo is more just an example of the Israelis trying to make life intolerable for the Gazans by controlling the importation of materials used for reconstruction, rather than any legitimate military reason.

If you take notice of any Israeli attacks, they always try to destroy as much infrastructure as possible
I would agree but again you are always going to have conflict when you have two sides who are unprepared to compromise.

Looking at it objectively a win for the flotilla is to sail in to port to deliver its supplies and a win for Israel is to prevent resistance from getting weapons to kill Israeli's without coming across like jackbooted Nazi's, now I may not be the worlds best diplomat but even I can see a basic solution to this (the flotilla stops and is searched prior to entering port) where every body wins however neither side is going to allow this to happen.
I would agree but again you are always going to have conflict when you have two sides who are unprepared to compromise.

Looking at it objectively a win for the flotilla is to sail in to port to deliver its supplies and a win for Israel is to prevent resistance from getting weapons to kill Israeli's without coming across like jackbooted Nazi's, now I may not be the worlds best diplomat but even I can see a basic solution to this (the flotilla stops and is searched prior to entering port) where every body wins however neither side is going to allow this to happen.
Did the US compromise with Tojo in WWII? If one's country is attacked or invaded, compromise is hardly an option.
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As long as both sides share that view all you will be doing is filling body bags.

Also to some degree they did compromise in the end as Hirohito remained on the throne and avoided a war crimes indictment.
In the end a small concession to end a war was the best course of action.
As long as both sides share that view all you will be doing is filling body bags.

Also to some degree they did compromise in the end as Hirohito remained on the throne and avoided a war crimes indictment.
In the end a small concession to end a war was the best course of action.
The decision to leave Hirohito on the throne was made after the War was won, and it was done for a very good reason, which had no effect whatsoever on the outcome of the war.

For the Palestinians to be expected to compromise, would effectively commit them to extinction. I don't see that as either logical or allowable, and I don't think that they do either.
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The decision to leave Hirohito on the throne was made after the War was won, and it was done for a very good reason, which had no effect whatsoever on the outcome of the war.

For the Palestinians to be expected to compromise, would effectively commit them to extinction. I don't see that as either logical or allowable, and I don't think that they do either.

Nah, a compromise dictated on the victors terms can hardly be a real compromise.
Sunday 3 July 2011- A perspective by Peter Hitchens:-

Bound for Gaza with a cargo of propaganda

We must all get ready for another season of ignorant attacks on Israel as a new fleet of alleged relief ships heads for Gaza. It is not relief. It is propaganda. How do I know? Last September I visited Gaza, with some trepidation.
I found plenty of misery there, though it is clear that much of this is maintained for propaganda reasons and could easily be put right by the rich Arab world if it wanted to. But I also found many things that the propaganda reports do not mention – including a shopping mall, beach parties and luxury restaurants.
I inspected the enormous tunnels through which large quantities of goods, including cattle and building materials, are smuggled from Egypt. There is also, in this so-called prison camp, quite a lot of open space, much of which I am glad to say is now being used for the cultivation of food.

Those who doubt my word are urged to read a series of reports in the Left-wing New York Times, which last week reported the opening in Gaza City of a second shopping mall and two luxury hotels.

It's a funny old world, ain't it?

If the above is true, why retain the shipping embargo, as obviously any weapons could be smuggled in therough these wonderful tunnels.

I think you're reading a blatant piece of Zionist inspired propaganda as it doesn't seem to agree with the other 99.99% of information being provided by news agencies and private companies and individuals.
Nah, a compromise dictated on the victors terms can hardly be a real compromise.

Not wishing to appear pedantic but a compromise is a settlement of differences by mutual consession therefore while circumstances may dictate a compromise (ie Japan at the end of WW2) a victor can not dictate a compromise as that would not be a mutual agreement.

Sunday 3 July 2011- A perspective by Peter Hitchens:-

Bound for Gaza with a cargo of propaganda

We must all get ready for another season of ignorant attacks on Israel as a new fleet of alleged relief ships heads for Gaza. It is not relief. It is propaganda. How do I know? Last September I visited Gaza, with some trepidation.
I found plenty of misery there, though it is clear that much of this is maintained for propaganda reasons and could easily be put right by the rich Arab world if it wanted to. But I also found many things that the propaganda reports do not mention – including a shopping mall, beach parties and luxury restaurants.
I inspected the enormous tunnels through which large quantities of goods, including cattle and building materials, are smuggled from Egypt. There is also, in this so-called prison camp, quite a lot of open space, much of which I am glad to say is now being used for the cultivation of food.

Those who doubt my word are urged to read a series of reports in the Left-wing New York Times, which last week reported the opening in Gaza City of a second shopping mall and two luxury hotels.

It's a funny old world, ain't it?

The problem is that it is propaganda fueled and fed by Israel, if they did not go overboard about every little thing there would be far less ammunition with which to make them look bad.

Lets face it, if I want to make you look bad and I know that sneaking up and poking you in the ribs was going to get you to start swinging, shouting, screaming blue murder and hurling rocks through my windows I would be a fool not to use that method now wouldn't I.

Israel is the architect of its own poor image in the world the Palestinians are just making use of it, Isreal has a belief that because of the holocaust they can get away with murder and in 1950 that may have been the case but 60 years later it really doesn't hold up anymore.
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Sunday 3 July 2011- A perspective by Peter Hitchens:

All Marxists/Trotzkists that turn suddenly extreme right are suspicious in my eyes. Not commenting on the content here (where I also disagree, I have been to Gaza last year and have carried home different impressions) but on the person: Commie, left after a while; then Labour, after a while left saying "no party anymore never"; then Conservative, then left, then far right wing UIKP, then left ("amateurish folks), now finally independent (?)

We have had in Germany and Spain several ppl changing political sides thus dramatically (e.g. from Commies to Nazis, or vice versa: Mussolini, Horst Mahler: , Emil Carlebach etc.), all seem to be in the end of the authotarian type and supportive/apologetic with such systems, be they from the right or left. Fine with Israel, they are probably on the right track then.

But, in this case, I cannot take this person as a serious contributor, reeks Israel paid propaganda.

NOTE: I am not saying someobody should be ignored politically simply because he changed his mind about things he believed in the past (I myself did so, becoming older, and I am in good company: Our ex chancellor Helmut Schmidt, when arguing something diametrally opposed to his stance 10 years earlier stated with verve "Why should I bother about my prattle from yesterday...?"), but so often, so erratic, and with soooo many reasons....? At least makes me doubt about the thouroughness of his analytical capabilities.

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Ah yes - everybody must get stoned. lol.

In The Guardian, James Silver describes Hitchens as "the Mail on Sunday's fulminator-in-chief"[35] and his columns as "molten Old Testament fury shot through with visceral wit".[35] Hitchens has said of his reputation: "I know a lot of people consider me to be disreputable or foaming at the mouth, but you have to learn not to care, or at least not to mind. I don't like being called 'bonkers' and I think to some extent it demeans people who use phrases like that. But I take comfort from the fact that most totalitarian regimes tend to classify their opponents as mentally disordered."[35]
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Good one, mister... :) ROFL!

Just for the sake of argument: "Totalitarian" is not the same as "authoritarian", at least im my book.

Still, nice strike, well done and appreciated!
