An Iraq Milestone

Team Infidel

Forum Spin Doctor
New York Post
August 1, 2008

America's military progress in Iraq (thanks to the troop surge Democrats heatedly opposed) has been so steady lately, it's become almost ho-hum news.
But milestones bear noting, and President Bush did that yesterday when he hailed "our third consecutive month with reduced violence levels holding steady."
This month, US casualties reached their lowest level since the '03 invasion.
Plus, there are reports (albeit, unconfirmed) that Al Qaeda in Iraq's leaders have fled and may be looking to divert recruits away from Iraq.
All of which has allowed Bush to declare that, as of today, new deployments in Iraq will last only 12 months instead of 15. And it makes it more likely that Gen. David Petraeus will be able to order further reductions in troop levels in the fall.
Already, as Bush noted, all five of the combat brigades and the three Marine units sent as part of the successful surge have gone home. That has also facilitated political progress, giving the heretofore reluctant Iraqi government confidence to negotiate what is soon expected to be a comprehensive long-term security agreement with Washington.
Indeed, the entire nature of the US mission has shifted: No longer are US troops primarily engaged in combat. Instead, their time is spent mostly training Iraqi soldiers - who increasingly are taking the lead role on anti-terror missions - as well as securing the border with Iran and rebuilding the Iraqi economy.
Of course, as Bush warned, "the progress is still reversible."
That can happen if America's commitment falters - and if Capitol Hill Democrats try to take advantage of the progress they for so long refused to accept by forcing a too-hasty retreat.