Iranian Military Plane Crashes; 119 Dead

Whispering Death

Active member
TEHRAN, Iran - An Iranian military transport plane crashed into a 10-story apartment building on Tuesday, killing 119 people, including 25 on the ground, state media and officials said.

Tehran's mayor said that all 94 people aboard the plane were killed, and Tehran radio said 25 people were killed on the ground.
The building was reported to be on fire, and fire fighters were on the scene working to save people trapped in the building in the Azari residential district
And the fame of that building still looks completely solid saveing many lives. Congrats to iranian construction.


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My first thought was that they were conducting a live fire exercise of that new ASM system they purchased from Putin Inc.
Putin Inc. I like it and seeing how the iranisns act sometimes, it might not be too far out there.
phoenix80 said:
The plane was full of journalists... Only 10-15 Servicemen from Navy and Air Force were on board!

Damnit now I'm sad :( Those could have been American journalists and it would have been even better than Iranian soldiers.
Huh? I don't understand that post u saying that US journalists are even worst than Iranian Soldiers?