If Kerry gets in - what difference will it make?

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As for the case of USA-CHINA relationship, I think nothing will change if Kerry gets in.

For me, Bush is at least a honest man, Kerry, I don't trust his words at all.
Neither of them are honest as it happens. At least with Bush you kinda know what he's about. Kerry really is an unknown quantity. I think he will have to stick with the Bush policy on Iraq but you'll see him be more accommodating than Bush was in general foreign policy. It won't really change much as far as the Middle East goes because the only way to solve that crisis is to remove Israel from the equation and that is impossible.
gladius said:
Bratwurst said:
Actually I did sit down with a Muslim student, a supporter of islamist terror and had long and heated discussions with him. Yes, you can sit down and talk with them. It doesn't lead to anything productive though (other than to know what you're up against). We agree on that.

You actually sat down with someone who totaly hates the West and will stop at nothing to destroy it, and you still see things the way you, I agree with some of the things you said, but what will it take another 9/11 or Beslan, or worse, before you realize this is really a war of civilizations.

That guy who sat across from you is long waiting for the day that he and his comrades would utterly crush Western Civilization and all it stands for that includes; belief in human rights, the promise of peace, freedom through justice - just to name a few of those things, and other things we hold so dear.

When he sees Westerners dying by the bushel full he will be more than happy and he will yell "Allah Achbar!" "Allah Achbar!" "Allah Achbar!"

I agree 100%. People or Nations that are wanting to ignore the radical Muslim's hatred of anything or anyone who are classified as Infidels are of the same caliber as the ones who looked the other way when NAZI Germany started a program of genocide. They weren't only after Jewish people. They were trying to eradicate everyone who were considered as inferior(the rest of the World).

Remember the old saying: I did nothing when they came for the Jews. I did nothing when they came for the crippled and insane. I did nothing when they came for the Christians. Then they came for me.
FlyingFrog said:
As for the case of USA-CHINA relationship, I think nothing will change if Kerry gets in.

For me, Bush is at least a honest man, Kerry, I don't trust his words at all.

It will be worse if Kerry gets in, because he said in the debates he wanted to completely eliminate China from the talks with North Korea.

Me personaly I don't think that will work. China will find ways to influence North Korea regardless, so its better to have them in the talks and come to a mutual agreement regarding North Korea.
gladius i'm going to have to disagree with you about terrorists doing this to CONVERT non believers. where did you get that argument? that is a misconception of terrorism, particularly muslim terrorism. they honestly could care less about what religion we are. it has and always will be an issue of land. why don't you check out the The War on Terror thread. I'm sure it's been covered. I don't mean to high jack the thread, but we need to keep the facts straight.
I believe in the Muslim religion that if someone isn't a muslim its your goal to convert them but not with violence. But then again isn't pretty much every religion like that? OFF TOPIC, sorry
Redneck's warning to get back on topic wasn't just there for his health. Get back on topic now or the thread goes along with all of the off topic posts.
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