A (hypothetical) dilemma


Active member
I was not sure where to put this thread, so arrived here. Feel free to move it, but please let me know about a new place of thread, thanks.

Imagine a situation you were on a deserted island. There would be no humans around and no vegetation, either. Seems like you're the only one [adult] on the island and it also seems you don't have any nutrition with yourself... The only person that accompanies you is a very little child (around two or three...). Though you lack so many things, you have a knife. My question is, would you be able to cut off part of your body in order to feed the kid, if it would help the kid survive?

My question is, as you noticed, very hypothethical. I'm just interested in the moral dilemma of it and how you'd solve it.

Thanks for answers,
Why would I cut off my arm when I can use the knife and other materials on the island to procure fish or are they hypothetically all dead?
I will keeping trying to catch the fish. Or I'll make some palms into the boat. I'm sure the palms have coconuts.
Well..Good thing your not in the US there KC...haha...i would pull a Jack Sparrow. Stand out in the water, rope turtles w/rope made from human hair, lash em together, and ride using the knife as a paddle. TADAA.
There's supposed to ne no coconut palms. No vegetation whatsoever. Minimum of fish. If there were no fish whatsoever, what would you do? Just you and the kid and a knife.
bulldogg said:
Why would I cut off my arm when I can use the knife and other materials on the island to procure fish or are they hypothetically all dead?

:lol: :lol:
I could explain it to you but then I would have to kill you. Suffice to say all you need to realise is that MY life is of infinitely higher value than yours... to me.
Okay, as others have pointed out, this situation is so unrealistic that it's tough to come up with the answer you're looking for. However, if it did happen, I don't think I'd carve myself up for the kid, nor would I eat the kid to survive.

Let's face it -- both of you are toast if there's no hope of rescue. So sacrificing one to save the other isn't worth the cost. This is not a case of some Marine throwing himself on a grenade to save his squad mates, where they can live and go on and finish the war. You're both essentially condemned. So why torture one just to have the other live just a little longer? (And yes, carving yourself up would be torture -- at least the Marine would be killed instantly and suffer very little.)

Charge 7 said:
Congrats, bulldogg, you get the best laugh of the night award! :lol: