

New Member
I found this site while searching General Norman Schwarzkopf.

I am a Texas Aggie '61 living in Houston. 'Skip' is a nickname, short for 'Skipper', given to me by a friend of my parents when he put into port in Corpus Christi, Texas in 1943. I was an only child and he was a Navy man... hence, the nickname 'Skipper'. Well, you put 'Skipper' with 'Skinner' as a name, and you will never shake it all of your life.

I will always remember an interview Barbara Walters did with General Norman Schwarzkopf during the first Gulf War in 1991. She was in his command headquarters and asked him several questions... one was about his nicknames... 'Stormin' Norman', which he did not like, and 'Bear', which he did.

At one point she commented that she thought she saw a tear in his eye when he was speaking about his men who had given their lives..... He looked straight at her and said, "Barbara, I would not trust a man who could not cry."