How is the weather like where you are now?!

It seems we have much lesser snow than usual, some of the skiing events have either been cancelled or moved elsewhere. Maybe Norway has more of the white stuff than Sweden.

Little if any skiing is going on here either due to the warm December. I was referring to typical winter snowfall
Yes we do... But we do not love 0C and rain/snow like it's now......
I would prefer 40C over that right now.. :cool:

Looks like we're getting -10C/14F this weekend, so it's getting better.. :viking:

In all honesty 40C is extremely sapping, animals can't get any relief from the heat, my dogs are trying to find some where cool to lay down.
Today it's at 0 C, tomorrow down to -9.5 C. So between S African and Western NY the delta could be ~ 40 C degrees or 71 F tomorrow. Quite a difference indeed.
40*f It's like a roller coaster.. up and down... tornadoes.. rain.. hot one day, cold the next. I wouldn't be surprised if it were hot this weekend and snowing next week.
Is the weather cold Highway man?
Are you cold Highway man?

If your answer to both questions is yes, then all I can so is:-



The answer is no to both of them! :p It was 12c, I had my fleece on and the heater on in the patrol car - I was lovely and warm! :D
Bugger off, this is the mountainous lake district - 12c is the height of summer - t-shirt and shorts weather! Froggy will confirm that. ;)