How do we track our enemy?


MilForum Recon
This can be any enemy including the one who jacked your JL system out of the trunk of your car. What methods are there to finding these punks? This topic is open to all. Police, troops and civilians. How do find somebody who doesn't want to found? There is always a way. I am curious what peple have to say.

I will drop my 2cents later.
I don't know---did you dust for prints?? Most burglers are repeat offenders....

Hardly ever yields useable lifts, except on CSI, and then takes awhile to search AFIS.

Canvas the local pawn shops for the missing goods and who sold them.....?

Alot of burglars and thieves are caught this way, some agencies have Detectives that do nothing but check pawn shops.

Snitches, excuse me informants give up alot of bad guys.
Over here there aren't so many pawn shops. Things are mixed with second hand items and sold that way so you'd be searching for a needle in a stack of needles. Say you got your car GPS stolen... it's probably being sold next to over a hundred other GPS recievers in a place with at least half a dozen GPS reciever dealers.
A good fingerprint detective can lift a print off of anything. Hell, if they can lift a print off of an eyeball (which they can) and off of a dollar bill (which they can) they can do anything.
Foreniscs Specialists in a state of the art Crime Lab might be able to get fingerprint evidence off a eye ball or a body or other articles like tape thru fuming or other methods but those arent actually lifts those are scientific evidence retrieval methods.

Alot of surfaces don't lend themselves to the lifting of useable fingerprints using traditional dust and tape methods. The surfaces themselves distort the print, whether from causing smears or breaking up the detail, or being wet, or in the case of guns the cleaning oil if any is designed to counteract the oil in finger prints.Porus surfaces are also bad.

Even if you get a lift if the individual is not in the system it's useless as an identifer.

Try printing a burlary scene. You'll get all kinds of useless lifts the majority belonging to the victim, and it's cost prohibative to send anything to the lab for fuming or extensive evidence retrieval, unless it's a violent crime.

Just because Gill Grissom and Horatio Cane can lift a pristine print off a broken and shattered plate glass window doesn't mean it's common. And the cases you see on Court TV are picked for dramatic effect, it's not an everyday case.
There are a lot of these Forensic programmes on TV where they seem to work miracles on retrieving evidence, but that is just on TV true life is not like that.