How Should the West View Islam’s Political Aspirations?


New Member
Islam is the antithesis to secularism; it is a political phenomenon that draws its life from the spiritual and moral. Should the west, therefore, view Islam with fear, hope or indifference? '

Of the three it is hope that looks out of place, beyond the scope of consideration, in today's discussions, but George Bernard Shaw once, writing quite some time before the sharp polarisation of thinking post 9/11, made a challenging prediction about Islam: 'I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.The world has changed drastically since these words were written: the communist bloc has collapsed; the west has assumed an unrivalled ascendancy and a new challenger to that ascendancy has been named: Islam. Now that Islam is in the spotlight, could it ever, as G B Shaw predicted, be 'acceptable' to Europe and the west; is it a threat to Europe and the west along the lines of Samuel Huntington's 'clash of civilisations' prediction, or is Islam just a mild nuisance as per Fukuyama's 'end of history thesis'?

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'Islam' is a very broad thing to talk about, like 'christianity'. Most of us prefer to talk about 'radical islam' or 'islamafacist' such as Iran, the Taliban, etc.

Islam is more broad than Christianity, some sects of Islam are good others are bad. Well, bad if you like living in a liberal society.
"The Future According to Islam" or "I'll take

Let's see. Islam's future political aspirations?

1 - The complete elimination of all non-muslim entities in the modern countries which were once known as Arabia and Persia (Or everywhere from Pakistan to Libya, from the Equator to the Tropic of Cancer). This presumes successfully driving all US and other "infidel" forces from the middle east; destroying Israel in its entirety (which if Mohammad was right and Jesus was wrong should be fairly simple - why haven't they done it already?); and clamping down the oil supply to the rest of the free world.

2 - After the first "Victory" is declared, and all infidels have been either converted to Islam or eradicated (when you dehumanize your enemy, it's easier to kill them), the second stage of conquest begins: expanding the reach of Islam to all of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Of course, blackmail at the point of an oil pipeline will make this all easier, but eventually the streets of London, Paris, Stockholm, Bangkok, Beijing, and Pretoria will run red with the blood of the infidel.

3 - Achieving the second victory will make the third victory almost anticlimactic. While we in the west have watched Europe and Asia fall to the Islamic menace, our own streets will be littered with the refugees from those lands. We will see retaliatory attacks against muslims in the Americas, and our liberal citizens will cry out against these attacks, making victims of muslims in the west, while they are murderers in the rest of the world. Eventually, our pacifist friends will welcome the Islamic invading armies, even helping them to beat down our own Christian, Jewish, Wiccan, Athiest, etc - military forces in the name of Islamic Human Rights. Only when there are no Christians (etc) to defend the pacifists from the murderers they have helped willl they find themselves next in line to be either converted or exterminated.

4 - When the entire western world has been toppled by Islam - Islam will collapse in on itself. No Supreme Being could actually endorse such a sham of a religion. And if my God has not called us all home and has allowed steps 1 - 3 to take place (or if He does not exist at all, and therefore there is no Supreme Being to prevent steps 1 - 3) - within one century we will be back at the technological point of Mesopotamia. And men seeking freedom and justice will begin to shake off the shackles of Islamic slavery and eventually defeat Islam once and for all.
No more tolerance, No more stand united BS, No more Not turning against Each other, no more nice guy we can die in numbers just because we are a multi cultural society. Somewhere, someone have to say enough is enough. Now it´s enough for my part. A religion should not be used as a political weapon to frighten sovereign and democratic countrys ruled by law and order, a foreign religion should not make demands on a whole culture and make them toss themselves into submission of a foreign belief system that threatens our way of life, 24-hours a day. As far as I`m concerned the last weeks statements from the muslim community is a declaration of war.

Others may disagree with me, but honestly I don´t care about cross-eyed pott heads, that rather dies then face the reality for one bloody second. I will not be mr nice minced meat ready for slaughter just because we shall turn our sovereign in to the hands of a extremist religion. Note I call them all extremists. And I will continue to do so until their religious leaders and preachers puts an end to the slaughter of innocent civilians. The weak instinct of self-preservation in Europe is a joke. And just because a majority thinks it´s okey to get killed because of another cultures religion and system of belief, it doesn`t justify the religion of Islam to be the pointer of our democratic domestic or foreign policys. They clearly justify the attacks in London in Madrid with the following statement. We alone can not do this, others have to help us too with the western foreign policy. That is a hidden ultimatum ladys and gentlemen. The statement is from yesterdays CNN world news report and an Islamist religious leader in London.

If our politicians are unable to read between the lines I will gladly help them to read the message more clearly, If our journalists are unable to see that message they are blinded or dumb, as with all others that shuts their eyes and walks around in this us in the long run. They want our streets to run red with the blood of us the infidels regardless of who we are. Their ambitions are all the same. No BS about that. Those who still doesn`t think this is the right way amongs themselves in the muslim community, convert. There is no middle ways or middle hands that will turn Islam as a religion 90 degrees in a day or a week. Forget it. It is to late, and it has gone to far. Muhammad and his militant followers swept across three continents, slaying Jews, Christians and "idolaters" who refused to submit to Allah. Today, the call to "holy war" suggests a more tolerant meaning. Well the Moderate days of Islam is over, a war religion will stay as a Militant religion as long as this part of the world accept it inside our boundaries as it is today. Those who commited this mass murder in London, are simply true believers of Islam, those who infront of the cameras condemned the violence are only silent supporters of the murders. Wake up and smell the dead roses, or wake up and smell your own familys burnt flesh. This is a simple equation that any 5 year old kid can see, why? Because they are not brain washed or trapped in a box, thats why.

