Holiday Affair


Active member

Later on, Steve is arrested on suspicion of theft of a pair of stolen salt and pepper shakers, which a park bum (Frank Mills) had given to him as a gift (after Steve gave him his tie when he put on Connie's present). Carl does his best to secure his client's freedom, but only succeeds in annoying the police lieutenant (Harry Morgan). Connie explains about Steve and the bum, to the discomfort of Carl and the amusement of the lieutenant, and Steve is released.

How appropriate that this movie was on when I took a break. See the police station scene with Harry Morgan interrogating Robert Mitchum etc. A little girl on roller skates with a balloon on her head , an orphan squirrel etc...

The facts are that we must pass through many crises and twists of fate before the future becomes more deterministic. I have already passed through several reality fluxes on the way to the "present" in which I am typing this post up. Do not worry about Lonnie Courtney Clay as a threat, because I am not the problem. The problem lies in solving each crises as events occur. I will be appropriately compensated when the time fluxes cease.

Lonnie Courtney Clay